Powers & Abilities Official translations confirms Joy Boys haki is even more powerful then shown

Then why didn't anyone notice that except for Kaidou?
Scabbards know Oden haki too well.
Because only Kaido knows Oden's Haki lol

Bigmam clearly stated out it's thr sword , And cursed sword are confirmed to have a presence.
Cursed Swords doesn't exists but I do agree Enma is a magical swords hence why it Can keep Haki from Oden

Cursed blade do exist. And both Zoro and luffy sensed cursed Blades.
Never happened

Even if we go by your logic , Cursed blade do not exist.
They still have a will and presence of their own
Some Swords have magical powers yes but they aren't cursed

And remind me if Zoro ever used CoC against kaidou or infront of scabbards?
Scabbards knows shit about Haki and Enma. They never touched Enma as they are too affraid of it

They know Oden two sword style and Ryou , but doesn't know what Oden haki felt like when they actively saw Oden fight. Sure.
They don't even know Oden's used CoC on Enma so yeah they knows nothing about Enma
No they don't.
Zoro sensed Sandai in pre time skip.
Who's haki was that?
I don't know Sandai's previous owner unfortunately

You can see here Kaido talks about strange Haki coming from Enma and later recognize Oden's sword because of that Haki

I have more proofs for Oden's Haki in Enma than your whole fandom Can bring about Joyboy's Haki
I still wait you with proofs for Joyboy's Haki
Its about connecting the dots
Haki is confirmed to be life force
When you run out of Haki you die

Luffy died from Kaidos Death Destroyer Bagua
He got reincarnated as Joy Boy by Joy Boys Devil fruit
Joy Boy is only one confirmed to be strong enough to store his Haki for centuries

Luffy ran out of his own Haki
You can see here Kaido talks about strange Haki coming from Enma and later recognize Oden's sword because of that Haki

I have more proofs for Oden's Haki in Enma than your whole fandom Can bring about Joyboy's Haki
Yes read the panel again.
Kaidou himself confirmed it to be Oden sword not Oden haki.
For Enma it is opposite
It drains Zoro by taking his Haki
If it took too much Haki Zoro dies

So all the context we have is Enma taking Haki
If Enma was giving Haki Zoro would have multiple lives not a death scare @M944
Headcanon piece ?
None of what you said was stated anywhere in manga or SBS or Tom&Jerry or any media whatsoever; this is all in your head...
Where is it said Luffy use Joyboy's Haki ?
No where
I'm just showing your fellow Bros that I Can easily make a string case for Enma using Oden's Haki
I don't know Sandai's previous owner unfortunately

You can see here Kaido talks about strange Haki coming from Enma and later recognize Oden's sword because of that Haki

I have more proofs for Oden's Haki in Enma than your whole fandom Can bring about Joyboy's Haki
Yeah that strange Haki is Zoros Haki
Enma is Odens sword

Where does he say Odens Haki?

Show me Kaido using two words "Odens Haki" towards Zoro. Ever. Conclude the thread.

Zoro himself using Enma is saying "My Haki"
"Regulating my Haki"
"If I keep going like this I die"


Where is context for Zoro getting Haki and not giving it.
Please show me 🙏 🙏 🙏
Where is it said Luffy use Joyboy's Haki ?
No where
I'm just showing your fellow Bros that I Can easily make a string case for Enma using Oden's Haki
But context
When Luffy ran out of his Haki and got reincarnated as Joy Boy, whose Haki is he using?

Because once Luffy died his Haki died as well.
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He recongnized Enma because of that strange Haki meaning he felt Oden's Haki
This is what is implied
No it wasn't

It means Zoros Haki is strange and too strong. Which later confirmed in chapter 1033 "Should I stop regulating my Haki"
Did Zoro say odens Haki?
Did he?
Enma Black Smith also never mentioned Enma can store Haki
He said Enma takes users Haki and drains them
He never talked about Haki AT all. Read again. You mistake kozaburo and his grandson
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But context
When Luffy ran out of his Haki and got reincarnated as Joy Boy, whose Haki is he using?

Because once Luffy died his Haki died as well.
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No it wasn't

It means Zoros Haki is strange and too strong. Which later confirmed in chapter 1033 "Should I stop regulating my Haki"
Did Zoro say odens Haki?
Did he?
Zoro used all Oden's Haki that's why Enma went uncontrolled another time.
He has toi wait for the cooldown
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Yeah that strange Haki is Zoros Haki
Enma is Odens sword

Where does he say Odens Haki?

Show me Kaido using two words "Odens Haki" towards Zoro. Ever. Conclude the thread.

Zoro himself using Enma is saying "My Haki"
"Regulating my Haki"
"If I keep going like this I die"


Where is context for Zoro getting Haki and not giving it.
Please show me 🙏 🙏 🙏
Strange Haki is Oden's Haki.
Show me Kaido saying Zoro's Haki is strange.
Conclude the thread.
Oden let CoC and Zoro don't know it was CoC. He thinks the Sword is cursed as he didn't awakened CoC AT that moment
Zoro used all Oden's Haki that's why Enma went uncontrolled another time.
He has toi wait for the cooldown
What is the Manga Context for that?
What panel states that?

Because Manga tells us this

As a matter of fact what you are saying goes against Manga.
Haki is said to be linked to life force, so when that Life force is sucked out of you, you shrink or even die and that was the case with Zoro.

If Zoro was getting external Haki instead of giving it, then he would have even more life than losing life.
So now I proved you manga disproving your claims, I want you to provide Manga context supporting following claims
-Enma has Oden's Haki stored in it
-Zoro channeled Oden's Haki
-Zoro getting Haki is shrinking him instead of making him bigger
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Strange Haki is Oden's Haki.
Give me manga panel supporting that
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Show me Kaido saying Zoro's Haki is strange.
He is literally pointing to Haki Zoro releases tho, as Enma takes excessive amount of weilder's Haki.
Is Zoro not wielding Enma there?

You are making atrocious claim, so burden of proof falls on me.
Its like me claiming Luffy is not a human, instead he is a condom and asking you to prove, how Luffy is a human indeed and not a condom.

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Oden let CoC and Zoro don't know it was CoC. He thinks the Sword is cursed as he didn't awakened CoC AT that moment
Where is all that stated in manga?
Sukiyaki Oden's Father claimed Enma weilders users Ryou so much it kills them
Zoro said he is going to regulate his Haki
Kinnemon said he won't touch it because it would release so much Haki it would kill him

I want some manga context supporting Enma's Haki storage properties. Where is it
What is the Manga Context for that?
What panel states that?

Because Manga tells us this

As a matter of fact what you are saying goes against Manga.
Haki is said to be linked to life force, so when that Life force is sucked out of you, you shrink or even die and that was the case with Zoro.

If Zoro was getting external Haki instead of giving it, then he would have even more life than losing life.
So now I proved you manga disproving your claims, I want you to provide Manga context supporting following claims
-Enma has Oden's Haki stored in it
-Zoro channeled Oden's Haki
-Zoro getting Haki is shrinking him instead of making him bigger
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Give me manga panel supporting that
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He is literally pointing to Haki Zoro releases tho, as Enma takes excessive amount of weilder's Haki.
Is Zoro not wielding Enma there?

You are making atrocious claim, so burden of proof falls on me.
Its like me claiming Luffy is not a human, instead he is a condom and asking you to prove, how Luffy is a human indeed and not a condom.

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Where is all that stated in manga?
Sukiyaki Oden's Father claimed Enma weilders users Ryou so much it kills them
Zoro said he is going to regulate his Haki
Kinnemon said he won't touch it because it would release so much Haki it would kill him

I want some manga context supporting Enma's Haki storage properties. Where is it
My claims are :
Enma use Oden's CoC. Your Guy can't say otherwise as he's not Enma's blacksmith and don't know what CoC IS
Hence it proves nothing

Several panels implies Enma has Oden's will. I showed you the one from Kaido
We also have the one where Enma reacts to Hiyori playing Oden's favorite song
Moreover we do know for a fact Swords carries their dead owners will.
Haki litteraly means will

It's pretty clear Oden's will (Haki) is in Enma

Enma's take mores Haki than what Zoro can feed him hence Oden's Haki compensate but not enough hence why it has a cooldown

It's implied strange Haki is Oden's Haki as it's because of it that kaido recongnized Oden's sword

He specifically said strange Haki AT that moment (he already felt Zoro's Haki in previous attacks) meaning at that moment Zoro used a part of Oden's Haki hence why it's strange Haki

You are just strawmanning

Zoro, Sukiyaki and Kinemon AT that moment didn't knew about CoC so they can't know Oden's let his CoC (will) in Enma

Hell Zoro probably doesn't even have CoC and lend Oden's CoC Hence why it's states in vivrecard Zoro doesn't have CoC
Zoro is a Oden's CoC abuser
My claims are :
Enma use Oden's CoC. Your Guy can't say otherwise as he's not Enma's blacksmith and don't know what CoC IS
Hence it proves nothing

Several panels implies Enma has Oden's will. I showed you the one from Kaido
We also have the one where Enma reacts to Hiyori playing Oden's favorite song
Moreover we do know for a fact Swords carries their dead owners will.
Haki litteraly means will

It's pretty clear Oden's will (Haki) is in Enma

Enma's take mores Haki than what Zoro can feed him hence Oden's Haki compensate but not enough hence why it has a cooldown

It's implied strange Haki is Oden's Haki as it's because of it that kaido recongnized Oden's sword

He specifically said strange Haki AT that moment (he already felt Zoro's Haki in previous attacks) meaning at that moment Zoro used a part of Oden's Haki hence why it's strange Haki

You are just strawmanning

Zoro, Sukiyaki and Kinemon AT that moment didn't knew about CoC so they can't know Oden's let his CoC (will) in Enma

Hell Zoro probably doesn't even have CoC and lend Oden's CoC Hence why it's states in vivrecard Zoro doesn't have CoC
Zoro is a Oden's CoC abuser
Show me the manga claim that Enma has Odens Haki stored in it.
Don't write an essay