Novel Official Wano Rewrite Thread

1. Delete Trash Meme. She is directly responsible for a fuckton of useless running around scenes and other assfuckery. Make Elbaf her arc instead.

2. Reverse Udon. Have some or most of Luffy’s crewmates get captured instead, or have one or more Scrubbards sacrifice themselves and get captured in their stead.

3. Delete Denjiro who adds nothing to the story. Delete Kiku, leave Cat, Dog, Kinemon and Kanjuro as the Scrubbards instead. Can leave Ashura in, but expand on his bitterness about being left behind for 20 years before killing him off. Have him never actually forgive Oden and validate his views. He would only fight to liberate himself and his country first and foremost.

4. Have Hiyori be a spy as well as a courtesan. Give her something to actually do, ie persuading Ashura as she was also left behind for 20 years. Have her entrust Zoro with killing Orochi and Kaido to avenge Yasu.

5. Delete Yamato, who also adds nothing to the story but idiocy. Retcon the entire Ace storyline - there is no way to have Ace observe the people’s suffering and for both him and WB to leave them be, without incinerating both their characters in a dumpster fire.

6. Delete the Nika retcon, Luffy awakens the Gomu Gomu and knocks Kaido off Onigashima. Have Kaido be killed after Momo and Luffy drop Onigashima on top of him. This would create an ironic and unceremonial death for Kaido, as well as avoiding the cliche big punch defeats the villain scenario. Bonus points for having Kaido jump off a floating island in his intro and being crushed by a floating island when he dies.

7. Delete Shanks and Ryokugyu, shameless Film Red propaganda.
I was ao angry that never came to fruition. The setup was there, especially with Franky fighting him too! Wano was really the country of letdowns/disappointment. City/Country of Gold or whatever? My ass!

We never learned what the true name of Onigashima was either! Nothing about Onis at all nor black blades and such. How did Kozukis enscribe Ponegylphs too? What about Wano being the origin of seastone gathering and thus exportation? Making it into other weapons too?

Also Oda the absolute asshole troll unveils Pluton was at Wano all along, which Robin NEVER cared to mention before despite knowing for a few years now FFS! Not even to the Revolutionaries apparently!? Not to mention the bigger Wano that was under Wano this whole time, with no indication/foreshadowing about it either! And we just leave the Wano with never elaborating on it!?:

There's so much I'd want to do for a rewrite for an arc and thus post here too but not right now, I'll do it soon at some point though.

@Pooth @lee33 you may be interested in this thread too lol. I would tag Peper but they're on such a rampage including ranting brutally about Wano/OP elsewhere earlier, so idk if I should now.

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This should have been Kidds arc imo, where we saw his backstory and learned about him and Killer. Given what his backstory is too, Oda could show in the present with Kidd taking over Udon from Queen and getting revenge, in how that relates to Kidd uniting the bandit gangs or whatever in his homeland and conquering the biggest gang who ruled over them all. Would make a very nice parallel.

Udon was such nonsense, that teasing of who "that mysterious prisoner" was, Oda constantly showing their eyes in the darkness and baiting us with that suspense/myserty on their identity, with people trying to frantically guess who it was, to the point even names like Roger, Oden, Shiki came up lmfao. Why does that sound still relevant right now? Like its happening again right now? Hmmm...


We also had Oda showing Big Mom moving like a snail towards Wano, chapters upon chapters of seeing her slowly approaching Udon and thus that glacial stalling, like Luffy going to the rooftop too.
Haha Pepper on a mission. And I will reflect my thoughts on a rewrite soon but one of the main thing I will rewrite is Robin and Chopper, not have them onigishma and instead stay in Wano to look for the poneglyphs and help build some type of Smile medicine.
@Shimotsuki Ghostly I don't know if i could want to rewrite anything. Like everything post ts has been a mess. Oda managed to fuck up 2 of what he stated to be the most prolific fighters of his universe. Like what the fuck man? Haki has been a failure, joyboy has been a failure the dream of one piece now is close to meaning nothing. Wano has the worst fights aesthetically and story wise, Like how someone with eyes can be mesmerised by zoro v king fight in Wano? I wear glasses and that shit RAPED my vision.

Oda is finished. He is milking op for money. Op is dead, op remains dead and Oda killed it.
Zoro has been degraded to Chopper level of character development. Sanji has been upgraded to Chopper level of character development because Sanji in WCI was worse than chopper.

Anyone who followed one piece for story based around friendship and meaningful adventure that unites friends that is not the show anymore.

The show is about boobies and random designs to sell merch. I am not 15 any longer. If i was i would probably go watch Rias Gremory on High school dxD not this subpar wothless level of fanservice
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And there will be people like:"Pooth you are a hater. You only like Naruto. You have a naruto agenda" Nope I do not have a Naruto agenda I am just tired of delusional dumbfucks rating this as the best thing. I get it is their choice to eat shit and like it.

And when I say enies lobby is the best arc in one piece or Alabasta people start shitting on those arcs because they hate me to rate this dogshit level of writing which is designed to only leech money
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1. Make Odens story less retarded. Take out the retarded dancing and just make him weaker than Kaido by a drastic amount.
2. Take out Yamatos bullshit identity crisis
3. Change Yamatos character to be a stoic.
4. Let Hiyori be a strong samurai, fuck it and break the traditional stereotypes
5. Make beast Pirates less retarded, like Queen gassing his own *****
6. Keep Rooftop five vs the two Yonko the main fight
7. Give King Conquerors Haki
8. Give Sanji Perospero as a build up fight into Wueen so he got more fights instead of being retarded and getting caught in webs for 15 chapters while the boys do their thing upstairs
9. Take out Gifters or keep their design and give them competence
10. Flying 6 Traitor Drake accomplished nothing for Sword or the alliance, give him a purpose and a flying six fight
11. Get rid of Meme amnesia
12. Let BMP be a warm up for scabbards or some strawhats
13. Make CP0 legit threats, they fucking sat around and drank tea the whole time, wacking Izo isn’t impressive, who the fuck is even Izo? Some bumblefuck division commander 18.
14. Let Big Mom loose with AdCoC
15. ZKK
16. Luffy finishes Meme
17. Kid and Law awakening be more impressive that the mediocre bullshit they came with
18. Usopp/Brook/Nami vs CP0? Or CP0 vs Marco/Sanji/Jinbei as post fight fights
19. Give 5 acts. Act 1/2 were good. Let Act 3 be all about outside + reverie + warlord fights + marine shit, Act 4 the War on Onigashima, Act 5 as conclusion, bounties, outside world resolution, SSG
20. There ain’t enough ideas to fix this dog shit long ass arc that desecrated OP

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
Damn there is so much to fix. From the top of my head:

1. Kaido is a battle hungry warmonger yet a coward at heart. Kaido desperately wants to be the strongest yet he hates how in the heat of the moment, resorted to cowardly tactics to steal wins like with Oden, which haunts him to this day. He has a strong body, an OP fruit, all 3 haki, the crew, the rep, yet he's still not 100% the undisputed strongest like Roger and WB were and he can't stand it. His attempts of suicide is his way of trying to overcome his assumed fear of death but in reality, his attempts are hardly dangerous for him in the first place.

2.. Less attention and build up for the minor, irrelevant characters like Urashima and Holdem.

3. No Kiku or Kawamatsu. We don't need 9 Sacbbards.

4. Kyoshiro stays an enemy and the strongest swordsman in Wano.

5. No clearing Kanjuro in a flashback to make his obvious betrayal shocking.

6. King captures Usopp early on to torture information put of him and he doesn't talk.

7. Jinbe beats Jack.

8. Brook helps to completely neutralize Apoo's power and eventually beats WsW.

9. Nami and Usopp beats P1 and Ulti on their own.

10. No Yamato. She goes against the themes of the arc and was only created to boost sales and the anime.

11. The Allaince gathers a bunch of Tama's dangos to use against the gifters instead of it being left a plot hole.

12. Other WB remnants like Izo, Jozu, Vista and Rakuyo show up in Wano.

13. There is a legend of a "Hawk Demon" that rampaged in Wano some 15 or so years ago and vanished without a trace. Due to swordsman being targeted, Orochi uses it a propaganda to fuel isolanist policies and scare the citizens from picking up swords(and possibly starting rebellions). Those who choose to become swordsmen are viewed as heroic like Kyoshiro, who also craves a good fight. Zoro, due to defeating other swordman in a short time span, is believed to be the return of the Hawk Demon and this infamy would eventually lead to Zoro rallying the Samurai.

14. Oden is appropriately portrayed as a failure who did things wrong. Obviously he can have good qualities but the bottomline is that Wano's current is partially Oden's fault.

15. Kaido let's Luffy live and throws him in Udon after their first fight because of what WsW told him about the mystery of Luffy's fruit. Kaido is curious of what Luffy's true power is(also can tie in with his character).

16. Scopper Gaban helps Luffy escape Udon and teaches him advanced haki.

17. BM isn't used as a constantly plot device aiding the alliance.
Nice rewrite. If only Oda thought through this deep instead of forcing 'Japanese samurai' shit more than necessary importance to scabbards/Oden/momo/Tama/Toko etc.
Add Toki being relevant to the story other than just being a housewife for self insert 'Oda'n.
I just didnt have enough care to squeeze in the theme of "Wano Samurai and their bushido history and lore" lol, wanna focus on the protags, close allies, Supernovas and Kaidou first:finally:
I post the change first.
  1. Big Mom ship arrive after Beast Pirates Loss.
  2. Yamato isnt an Ally at first
  3. Luffy, Kid, Law share bounty of beating Kaido, but Luffy got more since he is an emperor
  4. Ryukugyu kills 2-3 of the 9 scabbards
  5. Luffy vs Ryukugyu, then gets 3.56B
  6. Law - Kid share 2.2B bounty of beating Big Mom Pirates who just arrive. So, Kid-Law crews, who almost look like fodder, are getting stronger with a clear process.
The details come later
Okay you sold me on this, how many chapters you think it could be dedicated to this section? 15-20? Also what ideas do you have for Yamato?

damn this reads like a Chimera Ant x Wano arc fusion lol
Yeah maybe i'm inspired from mangas with twisting and turning plot like HxH...didnt get good writing from Oda? Better write my own headcannon lol, all thats left is finding an artist to draw this fanfic arc :amazing: