I was meant to mention this to you and
@OnePiss in our DM discussion too lmao. What
@Toby said is completely true. I was gonna joke if Uta was fat and ugly or at least one of those, Oda would have a lot less qualms about Luffy hitting her! I remember people making memes on how Luffys hands are "rated E for Everyone" and does aren't gender biased/sexist or w/e, he just doesnt care/discriminate/put anyone on a pedestal due to gender or w/e lmao. I still am shocked to this day that he even hit Vivi when he did! But ironically he would never hit Nami purposely or even Robin I imagine! He was weirdly hostile and rough with Yamato too though! Felt very OOC (out of character) with him for me tbh
I think Oda purposely avoided Luffy fighting Smoothie for these reasons too, although I'd love to see how his DF fares (when it was STILLa RUBBER PARAMECIA, SIGH) vs Smoothie and if he does have an advantage due to being elastic or so anyway.
Regarding this film though, as I was saying to you and OnePiss just now, Jinbei is in the crew now so this is post Wano? Is Luffy gonna have his true DF and thus awakening/God powers/toon force in this movie?! I can see Oda doing this to give him a way to fight Uta without hurting her too or at least truly harming her and also to have some more ridiculous humourous moments like with him and Kaido but with him and her now instead too?
I've really lost all my hype for this film after this reveal with Uta and Shanks too. Should have known better given the track record of the previous films especially the last few and how much of a shallow, forgettable, fanservice bait Stampede was especially.
25 years into One Piece and this is what we're getting, For Fucks Sake, Oda.
At least we should be guaranteed a Mihawk cameo as he appeared in 3D2Y and Stampede at least, cant remember if he appeared in any other movies or TV specials or w/e but given his relationship to Shanks, we should still see him somehow?
I'm not at all keen on this inevitable Will of Damsel In Distress storyline the movie will take at some point at least, not keen on this Will of Diva shit too.
Since the film is themed around Red too, surely we could have at least gotten Kidd for it too? I mean its fucking music and even rock/metal themed FFS! But whatever, being a Kidd fan is suffering like a Sanji fan, just gotta get used to it.
Dare I even be so bold and even suggest, since we didnt even get Rouge in the fucking Roger part of the Oden flashback, that I should cling onto some copium that she might still appear in future somehow in some flashback? I was gonna suggest this film as her name does mean Red , I even wanted Shanks to be related to her and Ace but that was a lost cause a long time ago really.
Given we got Avril Lavigne doing some music for Film Z including a fantastic cover of Nickelback's How You Remind me, which was extremely fitting for the movie especially Zephyr ofc, I wonder if we can get this for Film Red then lmfao:
Oh wait, maybe this too?!:

(And yes for anyone wondering, Odas trolling and baiting is making me even more insane/crazy as you can clearly see ofc!)