Future Events One of the new Emperors is a former Warlord

Yonkobois vs Admiralbois is not something that interests me. :mihugh:
But it proves the delusions wrong that were thrown around before regarding what it takes to be an emperor.
Fair enough.

That aside, remember when we speculated that Master Staller Lolda will find a way to stall doing you-know-what until November? Can't believe he outright pulls a month break. :suresure:
It would be quite hilarious seeing @Iam25 cope takes when Law becomes an emperor officially despite him getting stripped off his warlord rank just two arcs ago with "only" one additional PU and no CoC.

Though i think it isn't happening it would be hilarious indeed. Kid is not really hurting anyone but people would debate whether he deserves to carry such title given his lackluster performance against BM.
what did kid and law do? defeat a yonko in 2 v1
Is that not more impressive then beating Kaido 1 v 20?? Anyway besides that stupid question u asked. Who the character that beat a Yonko 1-1?? As far as we know that’s never happened in this manga. So that’s not much of a knock on Law/Kid/ or Luffy.
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So when mihawk not named a emperor next chapter an Law/Kid/Luffy are, can we officially stop claiming he’s comparable to shanks….

Shit been a bad joke for years, an the crew/large territory cope arguments. All have fallen thro an no longer imply.
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It would be quite hilarious seeing @Iam25 cope takes when Law becomes an emperor officially despite him getting stripped off his warlord rank just two arcs ago with "only" one additional PU and no CoC.

Though i think it isn't happening it would be hilarious indeed. Kid is not really hurting anyone but people would debate whether he deserves to carry such title given his lackluster performance against BM.
Man you have tagged me 4 times this week.

Give it a break. Weird euro shit.
And by former Warlord i dont mean Law. I mean Boa, Buggy, Mihawk, Kuma or Weevil

I have no faith in Oda to write anything interesting anymore but this would be an easy enough subversion if Oda is any good at those anymore.
Mihawk probably rejoined with his captain Shanks and is now traveling with his old crew. Kuma is essentially a zombie, Buggy is a trall character for the most part. So the only open options that we have are Boa and Weevil. As far as we know Weevil has no crew + he has no brains, he's being manipulated by his mother, unless he somehow gathered all Whitbeard crew members under his wing and got rid of his mother–other then that I don't see it happening. Boa is the only viable option here, she has the crew and the army/fleet to be an Emperor, + she's a confirmed CoC and Ryou user, on top of that she has a pretty powerful DF ability—but unless Oda gives her advanced CoC (which has the potential of happening) then I don't see it. Overall I welcome it, Boa becoming an Emperor would be a cool twist, and she actually deserves it, she has great design and she's one the few powerful female characters left, having another female Emperor would be great. But now that I think about it, if useless captain mid can become an Emperor without any advanced haki whatsoever, then why can't Boa!? I'd rather have Boa as a new Emperor than that trash useless mid.
You need power + political clout to be an Emperor.

Boa/Buggy don't have the necessary political clout or power and Mihawk literally has a tribe of baboons.

Unless they banded together, I can't see this happening.
Kid or law don't have all of what you mentioned yet some are sure they'll be named Yonkos.
Power is the only they have and not even a great one individually.

If they can be candidates the Mihawk or weevil are more than qualified.