One Piece Chapter 1,077: " Should have noticed sooner "

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CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Could gears work for "ktot?"
These fellas are probably like a bunch of mechanical cogs like a clock.
Hmmm. It's possible.

The fact whoever shot them ran off immediately indicates the assassin isn't that strong, though. Why would they be afraid to show themselves in a situation like that, otherwise?

The fact they knew where Shaka was going, or were monitoring the prison, means the assassin is hacking into Punk Records as a whole, most likely. Otherwise, how did they follow Shaka?
So if the translations are not wonky we know;

- Vegapunk did not know that King was a lunarian so the WG did not know either. King hype :steef:

- Nami's attack is stated to do nothing which means the whole "internal damage" cope has been destroyed for the second time.:suresure:

- Zoro stated that lunarian with flames on is almost invincible which proves my point that it is not absolute invincibility but rather extreme defense. @ConquistadoR
adv coc incoming lol lucci and kaku will realize they don't stand a chance against luffy and zoro when they flex