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expecting some juicy info but bit dissapointed.....anyways main action started and Luffy started g3+hawk+ryo? ...good to see...and all SN vs Kaido+BigMom? nice....
waiting for summary and images....I think there is more to the chapter.....chapter may look better than what spoilers have been showing...
Do you guys think the spoilers providers are trolling us and are not telling us everything about the chapter ? Like a big revelation from yamato, I can't believe the chapter talks about yamato who says litteraly nothing usefull for the story. :usosmug:


spiler provider needs to stop with these drawing, I can't understand a thing that is going on.... kaidou back in fish mode and luffy punched him? is luffy taking on both bm and kaidou alone now? from yc1 to pk level in just one arc
Of course. That's why the best they will do is stall. The 5 will stall Kaido as the flower capital gets evacuated

Nothing wrong with destroying an empty city.

Then of course they will lose.

Because it's impossible for them to win
Really don't think Onigashima is going to land there, specially because there is a Poneglyph in Orochi's Castle with Onigashima landing there it will be sealed forever, they will Lose but I don't see Onigashima landing there..


Round 1 : Kid and Law vs Big Mom
Zoro, Killer, Luffy vs Kaido

Round 2 : Kid, Zoro, Luffy vs Kaido

Law, Yamato, Marco vs Big Mom

Round 3 : Luffy, Kid, Sanji vs Kaido

Yamato, Zoro, Killer,Law, Jinbe vs Big Mom
SN trio + Killer and Zoro vs Rocks duo
Alliance loses.

2 weeks later.
Round 2 in act 4 :
SN trio vs Kaido
Navy vs BM

Last round Luffy and Kidd vs Kaido
BM is sidelined or goes back to tottoland.
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