>You decide to enter the pirate life to escape from the oppressive life style
>You want to make a name for yourself to prove the world you have value
>Your ambition attracts the attention of equally hungry no lifes who will be loyal to you to the end
>You and your nakama amass enough skill and strength to prepare and enter the pirates graveyard that is the grandline
>You make it there only to be pursued by the marines to no end with their numbers
>This gets a large portion of your crew killed or unmotivated to do the job
>You carry on not for your sake anymore, but for your nakamas, as it would be a waist to turn back and prove the world that nothing can beat you and your crew down
>You reach to the New World with you now having to chose between emperors to stay a float
>You got unlucky and landed on BP territory
> Got captured and taken to wano
>Some fat fuck named Queen tortures you and your nakama for weeks on end for the sake of pledging allegiance
>You caved in for the safety of your crew and become a member of a crew you never wanted to be in
>You and your crew dont have it affect them for the sake of their dream and quickly wise in the ranks
>Even more of your crew was lost from battling even more dangerous marines and yonkos
>It pays off by giving you a fruit called smile that can grant you zoan powers
>Each of you crew eat not knowing of the consequences
>Only you the captain gets a power while the rest of your crew are pleasures who can only laugh
>Your crew even further depressed you try to cheer them up by taking them to the festival on onigashima this year to lift their spirits
>Turns out its the raid and your crew fall one by one from samurai
>That fatfuck who tortured you and your crew are using them as ice oni
>You dont care who wins just want to protect your crew
>Then some gay gazelle man comes shoving some dango down your throat
>You are forced to kill your remaining loyal crew to serve your master