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The Fuck?????
"Crying like a Girl" for being Happy...

And "you" can be used as plural XDXD
Yes, crying like a girl. He is not crying because he wanted to do something great and failed but because he is so used to being this trash that he cries at his own failures.

2 chapters already of this getting trapped by a below Scabbard F6 (according to Jack) and crying for help nonsense.

How embarassing....
not every attack has to be named to have potency... you could actually see sakazuki exerting tremendous force when marco nearly stalemated his attack.
Not everyone Name Attacks bear difference in strength, but Sakazku is different, when he uses his name attack it results= bigger magma fists, that was a fodder attack but it doesnt matter when the man has the strenth of big mom along with his regen stopped you, it was pre-Ts too so no solution for marco
So, is it really Sanji vs Jack?

I have a feeling it's a distraction by Oda, I really do not mind it being Jack by the way... I'm not too obsessed with Queen or King...

And although I feel it's a distraction by Oda, I really do not mind it...

All three calamities SHOULD BE studs and powerful... and I THINK Oda still did not give them the screetime to shine and WILL SHOW IT later....

Jack as an example, Oda made sure he lost by TWO SOLUNG from Neku/Inu while also not using Hybrid form because Oda wanted to save that Ace up his sleeve for later... And the dude has been knocked down many times, but one thing we all can agree on, this bastard KEEP ON STANDING... Never stays down.... Not with Fujitora, Not with Zunisha, Not with Tag team Solung Neku/Inu.... So, he literally is a TANK BEAST... I would say he could be the perfect test for Sanji since Sanji does not rely on destructive power, and more on speed and agility, thus actually managing to FINALLY put him down for good, would require Sanji to pull off a very very destructive move!

I don't mind Queen for Judge connection too

I don't mind King too for Flight and aerial battle if Oda has other plans for Marco

Either way, ONE THING Oda needs to do... Oda better give more highlight and hype calamities back... because Oda is actually giving more screentime and shine to Tobi Roppo at this point which is weird!

But I wanna assume that Oda wants to hype ALL opponents in order, started with some gifters looking decent, then Tobi Roppo, then Calamity then Kaido...

So, I would hope Oda does not neglect Jack/King/Queen from being showcased as TRUE MONSTERS before they fall down by their proper opponents!

Sidenote: I cannot wait for memes about Lanji and Lack the drag down, and their fight being Ls everywhere LOL....
I just went on reddit and i seen someone comment that injured jack and injured sanji will fight will fight 1v1 in the losers bracket, Thats so funny and true

Post automatically merged:

So, is it really Sanji vs Jack?

I have a feeling it's a distraction by Oda, I really do not mind it being Jack by the way... I'm not too obsessed with Queen or King...

And although I feel it's a distraction by Oda, I really do not mind it...

All three calamities SHOULD BE studs and powerful... and I THINK Oda still did not give them the screetime to shine and WILL SHOW IT later....

Jack as an example, Oda made sure he lost by TWO SOLUNG from Neku/Inu while also not using Hybrid form because Oda wanted to save that Ace up his sleeve for later... And the dude has been knocked down many times, but one thing we all can agree on, this bastard KEEP ON STANDING... Never stays down.... Not with Fujitora, Not with Zunisha, Not with Tag team Solung Neku/Inu.... So, he literally is a TANK BEAST... I would say he could be the perfect test for Sanji since Sanji does not rely on destructive power, and more on speed and agility, thus actually managing to FINALLY put him down for good, would require Sanji to pull off a very very destructive move!

I don't mind Queen for Judge connection too

I don't mind King too for Flight and aerial battle if Oda has other plans for Marco

Either way, ONE THING Oda needs to do... Oda better give more highlight and hype calamities back... because Oda is actually giving more screentime and shine to Tobi Roppo at this point which is weird!

But I wanna assume that Oda wants to hype ALL opponents in order, started with some gifters looking decent, then Tobi Roppo, then Calamity then Kaido...

So, I would hope Oda does not neglect Jack/King/Queen from being showcased as TRUE MONSTERS before they fall down by their proper opponents!

Sidenote: I cannot wait for memes about Lanji and Lack the drag down, and their fight being Ls everywhere LOL....
Yes its probably sanji vs jack, and a smaller chance he will get queen.
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