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It genuinely surprises me how many people think Marco is getting a full on 1v1 vs King or Queen or whoever. This has all the signs of a stall scuffle. The way it's already getting offscreened and Marco just seems to be on the defensive and how all the other fights get these big set up panels with the ドン!! effects plastered all over it and the opponents staring each other down like

- Jinbei v WhosWho
- Franky v Sasaki
- Robin/Brook v Black Maria
- Nami v Ulti with their whole chapter

This to me looks like a Marco v Big Mom kinda thing. Not only this but Marco's dialogue about this battle being about the new gen and how he's putting the Straw Hats in positions to fight people he should really just shows he's here for good vibes and healing important people later on. I think he'll get involved with the roof battle later on but him getting a 1v1 with a calamity seems unreasonable seeing how Oda is writing him so far
if people like the grand fleet can get fights anything is possible, Marco having an actual fight with a conclusion against King isn't far fetched at all. Fights between top tiers like Yonko and Admirals are the ones Oda is afraid to give an actual conclusion too.


Talent is something you make bloom.
if people like the grand fleet can get fights anything is possible, Marco having an actual fight with a conclusion against King isn't far fetched at all. Fights between top tiers like Yonko and Admirals are the ones Oda is afraid to give an actual conclusion too.
I accept the "grand fleet getting fights in dressrosa".
Half the crew there only.

Now we have full crew with added Jinbei + Yamato who is likely to join after.
Not the same situation. =/
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