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Trash. Just trash. Please shut the fuck up.

Perospero laughed off that punch which left only a bruise
Oven got sneak attacked
Ichiji never once dominated or fought Perospero 1v1

And Reiju? Her poisson was a slight problem pinned easily by Smoothie
Before you say "galette"... she can't do it sajju, reiju and co by herself
It won't.

Things from source called "Trust me bro I have Oda's drafts" are often as real as Monster.
Its not true nobody has spoilers 2 years in advance, Oda himself doesn't know what to do 2 years in advance, or at least thats my opinion
I agree with you guys. But there is a set of spoilers out there that are correct. These are from on Record 2015 but supposedly 2009.


Magic Sword, Magic Swordsman, and Can Cut Anything
Again I say it again
Kaido goes hybrid: WOROO SUpernova's weak fodder, except maybe that zoro guy
Zoro: Huh? Ashura!
Kaido Head gets cut off but before that moment
Ptsd flashback Kaido : There will never be samurai like zoro not even kozuki stickden will come close
Zoro: Let's go Right Hand Luffy, cant defeat yonkos yet still fodder huh?
Beast Pirates when they see Kaido Head : :cantseeme::cantseeme:Kaido the invincible lost to Zoro the dragon slayer! Like RYUMA
Ashura vs light swordman:steef:
so Kaido isnt strong, since he relies on his devil fruit way too much ok

the first time, second time you can see him fight marco and know his fruit
no excuses, marco>Benn>Rest of the yc'1s
cracker was one shooted he was weak af if not for his DF his fight against luffy would've never took that long.
marco is in the defence we didn't see him throw a single punch.
Again I say it again
Kaido goes hybrid: WOROO SUpernova's weak fodder, except maybe that zoro guy
Zoro: Huh? Ashura!
Kaido Head gets cut off but before that moment
Ptsd flashback Kaido : There will never be samurai like zoro not even kozuki stickden will come close
Zoro: Let's go Right Hand Luffy, cant defeat yonkos yet still fodder huh?
Beast Pirates when they see Kaido Head : :cantseeme::cantseeme:Kaido the invincible lost to Zoro the dragon slayer! Like RYUMA
so Kaido isnt strong, since he relies on his devil fruit way too much ok

the first time, second time you can see him fight marco and know his fruit
no excuses, marco>Benn>Rest of the yc'1s
cracker was one shooted he was weak af if not for his DF his fight against luffy would've never took that long.
marco is in the defence we didn't see him throw a single punch.
so Kaido isnt strong, since he relies on his devil fruit way too much ok

the first time, second time you can see him fight marco and know his fruit
no excuses, marco>Benn>Rest of the yc'1s
cracker was one shooted he was weak af if not for his DF his fight against luffy would've never took that long.
marco is in the defence we didn't see him throw a single punch.
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