Who is this "Oden"?

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swords carry wills of the fallen
the battle between wano and the bp is not finished

odens unfinished will is to cut kaidos head off

seems pretty self explanatory to me
You also have to consider that zoro isn't oden... he'll have to grow exponentially in this fight to really solo kill kaido.. but obviously luffy and gang ain't there sitting with popcorns waiting for zoro to grow.. so kaido will die by rhis collective bunch... imo last hit by oden's blade
He didn’t Dodge... Zoro missed... Remember.... The attack did the same thing as Enma... Zoro had a power imbalance and missed
nah bro its stated that he dodged it... coz it was linear attack ti the head ofc plus its pseudo luffy.. but this is ni exchange for the amount of time he got whopped by combos
Inherited will:
The thing that ticks every thing in the one piece world. If you dont believe that inherited will is the most prominent thing in the one piece world then you need to re read one piece, Because every Arc since the beginning had highlighted how important it is. Zoro inherited Odens will to kill kaido via enma, the same way he inherited kuinas will to become the worlds strongest from Wado.
This alone should let you at least consider Zoro killing kaido. But it doesnt end there, Zoro made it personal when he knew that orochi is kaidos puppet, he knew that taking revenge on orochi is taking kaido out. Zoro wants to kill kaido. And he made it clear when he said he wants to cut kaido down. To cut down us to kill. He didnt say kick his ass, didnt say open his scar. He said cut down. Zoro wont stop until kaido is cut down. He wont leave kaido to fight king. There is alot of evidence and hints supporting this that i didnt mention, this is not just a theory. This is a very likely scenario.

If zoro says he will cut down kaido then i believe he will.
Kaido kills Zoro is very likely to happen.
Soo, did zoro not cut kaku down? Or Mr 1 since they didn't die?
Oars first of all was pseudo luffy. which gave him luffy's reflexes... lets not forget thay he was open to all sorts of combination attacks that zoro, sanji, frankly landed on Oars because he couldn't do anything about them .. the one and only thing oars dodged was zoro's linear Phoenix pound canon and that was by inches away aimed at his face which he dodges with ease by moving like kaido .. ... the crux of my statement is based on logic that is supported by the canon manga. that the bigger or taller your body is ( more surface area of the body ) the more the chances of you getting caught off guard are and the harder it is for u ti evade those attacks like law's gamma knife .. Plus one could argue that this logic is well demonstrated more with kaido... where he has been caught off guard various times and evaded only one attack that was aimed at his head than the body itself.. kaido in his DF form is waay taller than this...hence it was easy for zoro to slice kaido off guard with his tatsumaki.. and ket not forget the barrage of punches that form luffy that kaido could have avoided... but he couldn't in his DF form...
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in the east blue *
Again, you are literally confirming my philosophy that being a giant doesnt increase your chances of being hit by an attack. That was the basis of my argument. I do not care about your headcanon of being big = some equivilent of being caught off guard. That was never apart of my original comment. No idea why you are trying to twist this by adding your own irrelevant logic.

Kaido tanking attacks is a different convo. Difference is he is choosing to take on those attacks because his body is durable he can easily avoid/block all those attacks if he really wanted too.

Just to be clear- I am giving these specific examples to allude to the point of bigger beings in OP being just as agile and fast

You do fit the bill of BleakWall perfectly
Inherited will:
The thing that ticks every thing in the one piece world. If you dont believe that inherited will is the most prominent thing in the one piece world then you need to re read one piece, Because every Arc since the beginning had highlighted how important it is. Zoro inherited Odens will to kill kaido via enma, the same way he inherited kuinas will to become the worlds strongest from Wado.
This alone should let you at least consider Zoro killing kaido. But it doesnt end there, Zoro made it personal when he knew that orochi is kaidos puppet, he knew that taking revenge on orochi is taking kaido out. Zoro wants to kill kaido. And he made it clear when he said he wants to cut kaido down. To cut down us to kill. He didnt say kick his ass, didnt say open his scar. He said cut down. Zoro wont stop until kaido is cut down. He wont leave kaido to fight king. There is alot of evidence and hints supporting this that i didnt mention, this is not just a theory. This is a very likely scenario.

If zoro says he will cut down kaido then i believe he will.
Kaido kills Zoro is very likely to happen.
point... he will be the one to land the final blow
Foza, doffy, hyogoro, marigold, luffy, kinemo, zoro, katakuri, hannyabal, king, sanji, who am I forgetting? The fire powers are definitely spirit or haki related at this point. The idea of Diable jambe being a vinsmoke related power should die in a fire 🔥
Lets see...

Foza - Doesnt eist
Doffy - Has no fire techniques. Only has a heat attack due to condensed strings
Hyougoro - Sword technique
Marigold - She lights herself on fire. She doesnt create it
Luffy - Due to G2 + haki he creates flames....weird but yh
Kinemon - Sword technique
Zoro - Sword technique
Katakuri - Technique with mochu
Hanyabal - Weapon that emits fire

As you can see, they either use techniques, weapons or just light themselves on fire. Nothing comes close to just spontaneous combastion like Sanji
Lets see...

Foza - Doesnt eist
Doffy - Has no fire techniques. Only has a heat attack due to condensed strings
Hyougoro - Sword technique
Marigold - She lights herself on fire. She doesnt create it
Luffy - Due to G2 + haki he creates flames....weird but yh
Kinemon - Sword technique
Zoro - Sword technique
Katakuri - Technique with mochu
Hanyabal - Weapon that emits fire

As you can see, they either use techniques, weapons or just light themselves on fire. Nothing comes close to just spontaneous combastion like Sanji
Its not a technique, its a style, Fire Fox Style, which can cut any flames. I think it has to do with Ryou, ability to cut everything and nothing.
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