Will LeZoro James Continue to Carry the SNs to a Ring Against the Yonko?

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𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐒𝐫𝐒𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
So still thinking that the admirals are equal to yonko. Ok, thanks.
Sakazuki is Fleet Admiral and I place him above the others.

BTW, you should tag me when you address me, it was just by chance I saw your initial question.

Sasaki Kojirō

This is some exquisite Kaido wank, but he actually dodged the attack.

Welcome back BTW.

I have Hybrid Kaido at high top tier and above Borsalino. Sakazuki is the only of the Admirals I think might be on par with him.

Yeah, I don't think he's KOed, but he'll take a breather from the fight for a while.

This chapter had Zoro's best moment and he played solely a supportive role.
Notice that KAIDO's bruises are gone.:catpole:
Nah, it strongly fits with everything else:
  • Law asks him if he's still alive in the aftermath of the attack:
  • Zoro is shown panting again:
  • Killer asks him if he's able to perform the combo attack to remove Mama:
  • Zoro replies that there's no alternative, so he will just have to:
  • At the end of the chapter, he removes his bandana and is shown coughing up blood:

Zoro is simply out of the fight for a bit now IMO.

@Fujishiro, @Kuro Ashi after Kaido hits Luffy with Ragnarok, Zoro cries out his name:

We don't see Luffy for the rest of the chapter. He may have really been KOed.

So I guess my prediction that the next Rooftop chapters would focus on Kidd, Killer and Law is true. (:shocking:).

I feel satisfied with my agenda, the Roof Five were able to push two Yonkou to a solid medium difficulty fight.
then again luffy and zoro are tanks... if their going down they'll prolly give kaido some wounds
@Bogard time to make a Zoro-Kaido parallel thread. I remember you made one for Zoro-Whitebeard parallels to piss off Law fans, lmao.
- Zoro-Kaido same devil fruit
- both heavy drinkers
- Both have Buddhism based attacks. Both have deep Japanese connection
- toughest in the world vs toughest in pirate king crew
- oni theme vs asura theme
- endurance monsters, relies more on brute strength than fancy tricks
- relatively simpletons.

After that you can create a Big Mom-Law parallel thread to make @ZenZu and @Haoshoku happy :kayneshrug:
Not me its @dontflame theory which he said about a year ago iirc
Where is the it? In this forum?

dont disrespect Whopper the future 1+billion berry doctor who solos YC queen
Okay, only Rebecca fans then, lmao
lmao this is something Oda has been doing for years, and not just with Zolo

I only stated whats happening and what's Oda style of writing lean to

Zolo having crazy feats is cool and all but similar to Erza they have no merit, there was no planning regarding his power lvl, he's doing these things just because, just like Luffy surviving Hybrid Kaido out of nowhere just because

crazy how dumb your way of discussing is, discuss the fucking point, dont waste my time with your dumb delusions about me being salty about a manga for children
I see you're still bitching.
You realize this is a manga catered to the 12-15 Year Old demographic right?
That's why "feats and portrayals" and even the narrative are "dumbed down" and written in an expressive, over the top, and exaggerative manner.
What's crazy is you taking it to heart.. You wanna read something with correct character progression, accurate development, and motifs/themes/uncontrived plots, go read some fucking Classical Fiction. Nobody give a fuck about that shit over here.

We're here for a good time not a long time..
no one :

you: lets not focus on the fact that sanji stopped king's kick with ease, but lets focus on his moaning after he stopped the kick,and lets also forget the fact that he has a kid in his hands while he's holding up and defending against the perpetual pressure king is applying to TRY and land the blow,and let's also forget the fact that because he couldn't land a kick he had to use his DF form.

How so "no one" ? Chrono just wanked Sanji out of nowhere and somehow you didn't say anything to him (a Sanjifan) but instead you went up against a Zorofan ... curious :sus:
So what do you guys expect now on the roof?

It's these 5 against Kaido until the very end?
Kaido wins by KOing everyone and there's round 2 later?
Someone else comes up on the roof and joins the fight?


Talent is something you make bloom.
Considering I dont think the YC's to be mere fodders for top tiers, like some here do, I think Sanji having a legit 1v1 against King, while Zoro and Luffy fight the Yonkos doesn't do anything against the M3 dynamic alone.

But Sanji doesn't have his matchup yet. So....yeah..there's that.
It would simply preserve the Luffy>Zoro>Sanji. I say that because Luffy will, ultimately, be the one to shine the most during the Dome fight. Unfortunately.

But I completely understand Zoro having more significant power displays as we approach the endgame, since Zoro's "main story opponent" is Mihawk. Sanji doesn't have a "main story opponent" like Zoro. It makes little sense to showcase him as much as Zoro.
Oda still maintains the rivalry and their dynamic through other story events, like they being the ones clashing against the enemy's main forces before raid, they both together saving Toko, and so on. The bounty similarity (whether you wanna complain about the reasons for the bounties or whatever). In Oda's mind, these things should be enough to keep their dynamic going, but eventually Zoro will have more significant opponents, due to his goals directly putting him in a rush for power.

I still think the M3 will be the ones tackling the Admirals for the SH's. Jinbei has peaked already and he has shown during Marineford that he can't handle Admiral on his own. I would also consider this to be the case for Sanji, since during FI they were portrayed fighting Wadatsumi together, but Sanji got the RS, which is the justification for his power growth. But there are 4 Admirals. I have HIGH hopes for Yamato, and hopefully she will be the one fighting the 4th Admiral. Not going into detail of who is fighting who. Only Luffy vs Akainu seems set in stone. I've seen the arguments for Zoro vs Fuji, or Zoro vs Kizaru, or Sanji vs Kizaru or Sanji vs Ryokugyu, so I'm putting that on hold. And no, I dont think Kizaru is stronger than Fuji or Ryo just because he is a OG Admiral. I think that's an extremely simplistic view and I'm not fond of that.

(I believe in Sanji vs Roux, but if Mihawk joins Shanks, Sanji vs Beckmann is my new favorite likely fight, beating even Sanji vs King aerial greatness).

Nah, it strongly fits with everything else:
  • Law asks him if he's still alive in the aftermath of the attack:
  • Zoro is shown panting again:
  • Killer asks him if he's able to perform the combo attack to remove Mama:
  • Zoro replies that there's no alternative, so he will just have to:
  • At the end of the chapter, he removes his bandana and is shown coughing up blood:

Zoro is simply out of the fight for a bit now IMO.

@Fujishiro, @Kuro Ashi after Kaido hits Luffy with Ragnarok, Zoro cries out his name:

We don't see Luffy for the rest of the chapter. He may have really been KOed.

So I guess my prediction that the next Rooftop chapters would focus on Kidd, Killer and Law is true. (:shocking:).

I feel satisfied with my agenda, the Roof Five were able to push two Yonkou to a solid medium difficulty fight.
oda in fishman island forgot to draw bandan to stfu cinera it must be an error
Sanji with his raid suit struggled hard against base King's kick (which isn't even his main domain) and then was smashed into the building by full Zoan King and almost lost consciousness. Meanwhile Zoro stalls an island buster of two Yonko for a while.
This is so far from reality...

Sanji did not struggle with that kick.

He did not almost lose consciousness.
If Oda wants or cares about the monster trio dinamic, Sanji has a lot to prove...Forget Luffy and Zoro, he is lagging behind soo much that its hard to take him seriously as a fighter compared to the supernovas in the roof, including Killer.
He didnt even manage to scratch P1 after hitting him with one of his strongest kicks, things are not looking great for Sanji, if Oda dosent give him any good moments this arc, then his fans should accept that these good moments will just never come.
Which kick is that ? His first basic RS Kick that made him straight away go into Hybrid ?
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