Will LeZoro James Continue to Carry the SNs to a Ring Against the Yonko?

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Zoro is not top tier yet neither is Luffy. If they are already top tiers, then neither would need help to beat another top tier in the main arc battle. Luffy may hit low top tier realm with G5.
Of course they are top tiers. Unless your definition of top tier is just Yonko. They need to team up because BM and Kaido are just that strong. Zoro for instance would give Fujitora the fight of his life 1v1.
Could not no sell Boundman punches that even Katakuri and Cracker did
Tbh Cracker was a Luffy vs Enel scenarii‚ except it is against Luffy this time. In the end Cracker was defeated by a weaker gear 4th than the one that defeated Doffy. Doflamingo is stronger than Cracker‚ but Cracker is stronger against Luffy ( like Luffy was just Enel's natural counter)
Because someone here is incapable to think wide.

Kaido blitzed Boundman G4 Luffy back in the day.
Unless you guys believe that Law will babysit Zoro to manage to land his attacks on Kaido for the latter not to dodge, Zoro is in all likelihood at least faster than that version of Luffy, for what it concerns combat speed in general, not even necessarily movement, just like Snakeman was.
So being so confident that Zoro can't break through FS is straight up ridiculous.
Luffy was in early arc PIS mode to hype the villain as has happened countless times before, unless you think Caesar>> g2 Luffy before his haki bloomed on Punk Hazard or you think Zoro gained tremendous haki blooming from being destroyed by the Yeti Cool brothers.

Kaido has not raime hakke'd anyone else so you can't use that to powerscale the other SNs, and Luffy dodged it in base when his FS was working without distraction.
Dunno about that one chief.

King's durability would need to be Wadatsumi level to feel pain from Sanji's lack of CoA and ap.
Lack of CoA.... bruh
don't joke..
his invisible ARNAMENT armour can Crack Oven neck bone (the best physique in BMP)
And Parry a Diakuku's blade that he sliced his row of fleet with... and sanji did that with no hardening...
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