Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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Oda has been giving Zoro some sick ass hype while he has Sanji screaming for help.

“Oda doesn’t hate Sanji, he gave him his own arc” shut the fuck up with the year of Sanji crap. Make him cool again. Oda wanks Zoro hard.

Fuck you Oda and I hope Sanji’s va fucks your wife even harder
Smh 🤦‍♂️
Kid: "The goal is to separate them !! Leave her to us !!"
Damn Kid I like how he's a team player he chooses to fight BM instead of Kaido.
- Zoro uses the Ashura attack against Kaidou (we don't know if the old one or a new one).
- Kaidou: "It can't be ... Haoshoku? Enough is enough. Brain Myung Bagua !!"
I'm not going to jump to any conclusion yet since the spoiler is vague we need to wait for more context but I think this confirms Zoro does indeed have CoC like we all know he's going to get eventually:amazing:.

But the question is that if Ashura is a form of CoC or could also be when he use Ashura he also awakened his CoC and use it?:sus:
Luffy: "When you hit me with your bat, I understood everything ... !! Did you use the Haoshoku?"
- Kaidou: "Only the powerful can do it !!"
So, is the Adv CoC you can combine it with an attack and not just fodder control? Since this dialogue seems to suggest that ragnarok is a CoC which means the THICC black lightning that Roger, WB and Kaido uses is an adv CoC and Luffy just use it as seen in the image:finally:
He didn't save Luffy, Luffy is a speedster and saw the attack before it was even conceived with future sight, he chose to stay behind to warn the others, without which Hakai would have gassed all of the SNs apart from Luffy.
But yes last chapter was a Zoro feat chapter.

This is a Luffy chapter if Asura doesn't do much to Kaido but a base fist with Luffy's new advanced CoC is more effective.
Stop the BS. Zoro save everyone. Luffy saw a big attack was coming but couldn't evade it without Zoro's help.

Yes, an injured Zoro attack isn't as powerful as a none injured Zoro attack.

Yes, it is a Luffy chapter but that doesn't mean Zoro doesn't look impressive or that Kaido is done. The Scabbards told us they want Kaido dead and he still needs to show off awakening.


𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐢
Zoro is not zoan . How will he recover in the middle of luffy vs hybrid kaido . Law will shamble him to safety or sanji and yamato will rescue him. Do you remember how long zoro need to recover as he took kuma attack ? Accept the truth and don't live on zoro piece .
Just like Luffy recovered after getting drained out of Haki and after CoC imbued Kaido attack.

Zoro has durability enough to perform this as much as Luffy.
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