This was always the case. Vergo was always too fast and agile for Law to gain any advantage with his ability. And Vergo can't be teleported
When Sanji uses DJ Luffy got his skull fractured, and most hits were half assed as Luffy stood his ground, as opposed to Vergo who didn't get his skull fractured, Vergo was hit into a tough steel wall twice with the power of DJ hits >>> luffy hits that fucked him up later against BM fodder army. The lethality is too high, Luffy is KOd from one serious kick by Sanji. Luffy is endurance monster

a couple of half assed kick, then one serious kick, that puts him into a weak as fuck state and loses to BMs fodder army

When Sanji goes DJ he is finishing up gifters in 10. That's better than Zoro for the record lol. RS is garbage and he doesn't really need it other than for stealth purposes to be invisible and act secret agent. DJ is his most powered up mode. He matched BM's power with it. People want to say DD, yet Doflamingo commended Sanji's strength and was forced to use barrier haki to block the fire and impact. First time he uses it was against Sanji's DJ, while he shat on Luffy. DJ is underestimated. Judge btw neg diffed a certain Snack