Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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To the downplayers and salty stans saying that Kaido is talking about Luffy’s CoC and not Zoro’s, answer this. Why would Kaido be surprised to see CoC from him or Kid when he already knows they both have it? Kaido’s been shocked by Zoro time after time during this rooftop fight, as I’ve previously said his fatal mistake will be seeing Luffy as the only worthy challenger.
Because it is advanced.
This is Luffy's first advanced CoC usage, Kaido feels the building aura and Kaido can't be dealing with potshots from other people if he needs to defend against an advanced CoC user.
Luffy learnt advanced CoC from taking Kaido's blow last chapter.
WTF is going on???? Is it confirmed that Zoro has CoC or are the fans just speculating?
Ashura is a CoC embued attack. It is not 100% confirmed but it is most likely the case. Kaido's attack on Luffy Ragnarok was also a CoC embued attack and Luffy then learns he can do that with Haoshoku which he does and knocks down Kaido by the end of the chapter.
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