Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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I guess one thing is Super clear Zoro > Luffy until this chapter.

So much for subordinate can't be stronger than captain. Zoro showing Ashura after tanking combined attack from 2 Yonkos.

No other SN showed this. And the only reason Luffy seems to be back in form is because of huge poweup. Which most likely Zoro has yet to get e.g black blade, Nidai kitetsu.
Question is, how that Lethality will work against Luffy throwing CoC barriers that block everything and smack hybrid Kaido in base
Haki runs out. The more you use it, the faster it runs out. Akainu can fight for 10 days. Let Luffy block it for some hours, but he'll get weakened eventually.

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu

Big Mom : Help me !! Zeus !!
Zeus : Mama !! What's wrong, Mama !!!
Prometheus : Mama ! i'm coming to save yo- argh !
Prometheus : I wil- kyaa !!
Prometheus : Goddamit !!!
Zoro : Wheez wheez gahk !!
Law : That bastard must have shattered every last bone in his body earlier !!

Sure, let trash on Zoro, when even Law, saw in which condition Zoro did perform Asura.:josad::josad::josad::josad:
Oda really destroy the Zoro haters this arc lol
"Trao, what I'm going to do from now on, is the strenght that remains to me."

Half dead Zodo with every bone broken in his body scarred Kaido.

so the question is how many strength does zoeo have prior to him using Ashura?

Also, i just notice it, some haters have been saying "zoro was wasted lying on the ground after he blocked hakai", if we go by their saying, it is accurate to say zoro had 10% strength left prior to him using Ashura. So by their logic, 10% of zoro strength is enough to leave a permanent scar on Kaido

Lmao, they got backfired, they just hyped zoro more than we did

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