Yh I have a feeling that all the F6 and Calamities go Hybrid in the same chap. Like in Chapter 998. The hype would be insane...
Plus the epic forshadowing that Meme turns Queen into Hybrid....
I agree with the hybrid take at least. It makes sense.
The fact that Oda has been reluctant to use P1s hybrid, but keeps Drake in his is obvious that he's not entirely willing to show it off again yet. He even barely uses Ulti's for anything atm
Once all the matchups are set, I can see essentially an update/transition chapter with full, single pages that show off Ulti (again), P1, Black Maria (assuming that's not her hybrid), Sasaki and WsW, totaling 5 pages, followed by 3 double spreads for Jack, Queen and King, each does their title and full bounty. Then Kaido follows this with awakening or something