There are literal panels of impact going away from the point Zoro blocked it at.
Doesn't matter for how long Zoro tanked it.
What? How doesn't it matter? If you don't stop the whole thing, you don't stopped it. He blocked it for 1 seconds, that's it. That alone nearly killed him. 1 second more and he would be dead.
You have no fucking word for Zoro putting up a bigger scar on Kaido than Oden did
Bigger scar? Zoro couldn't even put Kaidou on his knees with his strongest all out attack. Oden did 2 cuts with 2 swords. Zoro needed 9 swords and did 1 cut - which Kaidou ate like nothing. Base Luffy over shadowed it lmao
Bigger scar lmao, it's as big as one of Odens cuts when Kaidou is in Human/Hybrid Form, but Odens scar shrinks as Kaidou goes to Human/Hybrid Form.
The actual cuts are huge, around twice as big as Oden himself.
Sanji is weak as fuck. Not even roof considered by Oda.
Roof considered by Oda? Oh so now the "Roof Top Level" is a Oda thing? Lmao
You swordbois came up with it, cuz nEeD tO wAnK zOrO.
Funny that Zoro is the first one to be knocked out from the roof 5 and back under the dome, and needs to be carried around like a sack of dirt.
And another "Roof Top Level" guy has a 92% survival chance against Hawkins, who shits his pants in front of the calamities.
So much for the Roof Top Level :cantseeme: