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Dawg Who's Who just got defeated.
The fight is over.
This is literally the opposite of jumping the gun.
Nah you are literally doing it right now. This is exactly like:

- "Zoro is on the roof, ZKK confirmed!"

- "Sanji clashed with King, Sanji vs King confirmed!"

- "4 scabbards reopened Kaido's scar, what a loser"

- "Big Mom got clowned by Kid and Law, she doesn't have Zeus, she lost"

- "Orochi is dead!"

- "Sanji is fighting a Tobi Roppo LOL"

- "Ulti got one shot!"

Just a few reactionary events, not even a fraction of them so far during this raid. There's nothing that says WsW doesn't have a recovery technique (Seimei Kikan) or whether or not he fights someone else (Brook) since Jinbe broke the floor.
Nah you are literally doing it right now. This is exactly like:

- "Zoro is on the roof, ZKK confirmed!"

- "Sanji clashed with King, Sanji vs King confirmed!"

- "4 scabbards reopened Kaido's scar, what a loser"

- "Big Mom got clowned by Kid and Law, she doesn't have Zeus, she lost"

- "Orochi is dead!"

- "Sanji is fighting a Tobi Roppo LOL"

- "Ulti got one shot!"

Just a few reactionary events, not even a fraction of them so far during this raid. There's nothing that says WsW doesn't have a recovery technique (Seimei Kikan) or whether or not he fights someone else (Brook) since Jinbe broke the floor.
Easy win
Imma prepare the set

Lion of Olympus

The Prince of Power
That would be true if Oda didn't say this in an interview in 2017.

"ONE PIECE has more characters than before. He has to cram much information into one chapter to move forward with the story. Oda says he would be able to draw really impressive fight scenes only if he could keep drawing the fight scene for 2 chapters in a row.​
He feels ONE PIECE can now spend only 1 chapter at most on a fight scene."​
This wouldn’t be a problem if he didn’t introduce so many fucking characters in the first place. This is why I hate Oda
Again has nothing to do with what I am saying.
After a VERSUS chapter the battle usually ends in the very next chapter and that's what Oda has been doing since Skypiea with a few exceptions.

Those Alabasta examples means nothing to me because I am simply not talking about them. I am talking about what Oda does after naming the chapter after the fight (Pirate Luffy x Commander Katakuri, Zoro vs Kaku, Sanji x Absalom, Nami x Kalifa and so on.)
Did we get a chapter titled "Nami vs Ulti"?

Why don't you guys understand that a mangaka counts the number of panels he dedicates for each fight.
This isn't about's about panels.
Jinbei vs WW fight was too short. It needs more panels, at least 30+ panels if we count the small cut ones.
Nah you are literally doing it right now. This is exactly like:

- "Zoro is on the roof, ZKK confirmed!"

- "Sanji clashed with King, Sanji vs King confirmed!"

- "4 scabbards reopened Kaido's scar, what a loser"

- "Big Mom got clowned by Kid and Law, she doesn't have Zeus, she lost"

- "Orochi is dead!"

- "Sanji is fighting a Tobi Roppo LOL"

- "Ulti got one shot!"

Just a few reactionary events, not even a fraction of them so far during this raid. There's nothing that says WsW doesn't have a recovery technique (Seimei Kikan) or whether or not he fights someone else (Brook) since Jinbe broke the floor.
Dude, there’s being reactionary and then there’s recognizing that a fight has ended.

Who’s Who’s arms are shattered and he couldn’t budge Jinbei with a Madara.
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