Regarding Sanji I'm hoping for a full on armanent display and him showing some more observation prowess. I want him to get Future Sight eventually too. I think he's gonna show some intelligence vs Queen and outsmart the super scientist as well as outspeed him and even eventually batter him down somehow.
Although I would really love a particular upgrade for Diable Jambe. Given his further revealed backstory and family now, all that unearthed brutal years of trauma from them, this would make his Hell's Memories FAR more potent now.
So I think Oda has been avoiding Sanji using HM for this reason deliberately. We might get DJ and HM getting upgraded consecutively as Sanji's emotions are his strength and will be his weapon against the mad, cruel scientist, who is so similar to his father and even worked with him in the past ofc. In a way, this is like an even FAR better version of Sanji vs Judge and if Sanji can take down Queen, imagine how HARD he will body his asshole brothers and father now?
Maybe this is what Oda is building up to? Or even better, Sanji doesn't even need to kick their asses, they just run Sanji into again later on, for whatever reasons and whenever as their storyline especially with Sanji isn't over yet imo, they see Sanji now who is MUCH stronger post Wano and has just taken down a Calamity, a Yonko commander by himself! And whatever else he hopefully does and accomplishes after this, including helping vs the two Yonkos especially!
Imagine they run into him after this arc and they get intimidated as they can sense how much stronger Sanji is now or and they've heard about his success and accomplishments? Judge will probably try to do some mental gymnastics of his own and try to BS Sanji by saying, "Oh I'm so sorry we underestimated you, my wonderful, strongest son! You've done us all so proud! Your brothers are so impressed and now aspire to be just like you!"
And Sanji just glares at them and says, "Don't try to fool me with that shitty sweet talk, you're not even worth my time anymore." And he just turns and walks away from them, refusing to acknowledge them and maybe getting an imagine of Sora in his head or in the clouds looking down at him and smiling at him with complete pride in the strong, independent man he's become and nothing like his scummy father and brothers?
Regarding Zoro, I think Oda showed us Asura this soon deliberately. We still don't know the mystery of the cursed swords, what the deal is with them and I think Law might get a powerup this way too, as his sword is a cursed one too. I think and have suspected Asura is a combo of Adv CoC and the cursed sword like someone else was saying in this thread a little earlier.
I also think Diable Jambe and Luffy's fire techniques are related to Advc CoC but that's a whole other topic I don't want to go into, as people are already arguing plenty enough about whether Sanji has CoC or not and I don't want to argue about it either, but I do believe he has and should have it regardless. Especially after his newly revealed backstory about Judge the literal conqueror of 4 main kingdoms at least as well as other smaller ones, the terror/tyrant of the North Blue with a massive literal giant mobile military kingdom empire whatever.
But yes to focus on Zoro, Oda teased his powerup with the Nidai but then purposely avoided Zoro from getting it, so he's definitely trolling us with that. Someone suggested on here earlier I think it was, that Zoro's cursed might be related to the Sandai Kitetsu, I might have seen it in a recent theory thread as I was checking them recently.
I think Zoro has something further than Asura now surely. Asura appeared back at Enies Lobby and he's spent 2 years with Mihawk the Worlds Greatest/Strongest Swordsman ofc. He's missing an eye which still hasn't been explained how and why he lost it or is it actually sealed by Mihawk somehow purposely, a sort of Zoro's equivalent of Kenpachi's eyepatch for example?
But if that were true, why wouldn't he unleash it vs 2 Yonkos? I think it was confirmed long ago and maybe again recently by Oda that he did lose the eye somehow and maybe Mihawk took it as a sacrifice/tribute for training Zoro, or he did it pettily or "by accident" during their sparring/duels. Let's assume the eye
is gone and out of this equation anyway lol.
I also think Zoro may have lost an eye to try and improve his observation, his reduced depth perception and lack of an eye general will be a huge blow to him, especially with his (non) sense of direction too I imagine?
I think Zoro is gonna gain fire techniques somehow officially too, as in using them more frequently and such like Luffy and especially Sanji does, but I'd love him to specialise in wind techniques like his Dragon Twister and such. It was such a hilarious moment when he did the same Dragon Twister as Kaido and Kaido freaked out at him imitating it! LMAO
Me and my friend want to see someone make a fire tornado and maybe it could be a combo technique for Zoro and Sanji, wouldn't that be amazing?!
Anyway thank you for asking @PizzaBread ! Much appreciate it! I know I said a LOT but I really wanted to express my thoughts here as it's a passionate topic for me!
