Exactly. That’s why I said if Robin has never shown haki and finally shows it here, it makes a lot of sense. Because it’s a one-shot skill. So far Robin hasn’t fought formidable opponents post-timeskip, because she feels she doesn’t need to. Not to mention it’s more reasonable to use haki, as Black Maria hurt Robin multiple time in the same chapter. It’s like Robin used haki to stop making Black Maria countering her. If it’s not haki, then why in the small page the grown leg is not black, but in the next Grand Jacuzzi Clutch page is black?
Dunno but I find it hilarious if people don’t want Robin to get a proper power-ups while Robin’s DF is one of the most effective Paramecia. It’s like people want Robin & Nami keep being damsel-in-distress and need Monster Trio + Jinbe to protect them.
Well said, I completely agree. I've had some time to think about this situation and as well as coming to the same conclusions you did, I realised that Oda is trying to make haki a situational thing, rather than having it be the default system and showcasing it all the time. I was scared he was gonna turn OP into another DBZ with Haki alone, (Queen of the DinosSaiyans: "Apoo, what does the Scouter say about his Haki level?") and thus all fights end up boiling down to "how strong your haki level is".
It's like Zoro not using Asura up to to this point. Hell I'm wondering why Sanji hasn't used Hell's Memories again or why he didn't use Armanent vs Vergo, but here we are. I think what would help fix things is that Oda shows the SHs making some haki blooms, some haki growth even if it's small/subtle from the beginning of the post TS.
I see so much downplaying of Robin in the community and it saddens me, I've seen Nami fans attacking her even since the Oro Jackson days and then it sparks a feud like Zoro fans vs Sanji fans too.
It does bother me that she didn't showcase Haki all this time and thus didn't use it before but as you said, Maria was brutally beating Robin and forcing her to go all out, Robin was having a "real fight", a struggle or whatever. It does make it much more special on impact for us when SHs get major fights and moments like this as opposed to them using haki all the time.
Ironically, part of the reason why this moment is so significant is that it has been literally almost 20 years since Robin truly got an all out fight and struggled like this vs someone alone. When Oda actually didn't intentionally avoid her facing these situations. I've been waiting for her to SNAP and CLUTCH even after that whole hellish ordeal of Enies Lobby and Water 7 and then Thriller Bark's ending and the Sabaody incident and timeskip, so this is the most wonderful payoff for that imo.
I know it's really frustrating we had to wait so damned long for this, but one on hand I can appreciate and understand why we waited so long for this and thus the emotional and narrative impact of it or whatever but on the other hand, it really is frustrating still regardless ofc.
This is not a dig at you btw ofc but I was gonna say seperately to this, I was wishing for people to talk a lot more about Robin prior to this chapeter and when the spoilers were out BUT I really pulled a Monkey's Paw scenario, because people are talking a LOT more about Robin now instead of the usual Batman vs Superman I mean who shot first Han or Greedo, I mean which sports team is better no wait sorry I actually mean on whether Robin actually has Haki and why she hasn't used it all this time. The criticisms are 100% valid and I've completly agreed with them and said them myself too ofc, including just above but I wanted to see more people just celebrating Robin's triumphs, her success here, praising her and Oda and enjoying and loving how truly fucking amazing and badass she is here!
Instead of that, I've seen people being mad about the new "Devil form" when the Strawhats have been associated with Hell, Demons, Devils and they are DEVIL FRUIT users too, which just adds to it ofc! Given what Robin has been through nearly her entire life, this is completely thematically fitting for her too!
But NOOOOOOO as you said so succintly, people just want to downplay her and heave them play 2nd fiddle to other Straw Hats and be supports and needing saving and help in fights from other SHs as you said exactly, sigh. Nami vs Miss Doublefinger is still one of the most RAW, brutal, savage fights, especially since it was for Nami solo, "Miss Weakest Trio member", "just a frail navigator and support", BITCH, have people NOT SEEN Nami's backstory!? She's been through HELL too and from childhood as well! Nami and Robin are amazingly strong and badass and I wish Oda would give Nami the same respect he just did to Robin here!
I've really been disappointed with how he's written Nami, Sanji, Chopper, Usopp post TS and formerly Robin until this chapter especially now ofc.
Anyway, enough ranting and rambling, because God Usopp/Enel/Gaimon/Urouge/Buggy etc knows I can and will keep going LOL! The temptation is real, but I know I've subjugated y'all to way too much of this already, especially recently! But alas, having so much passion is difficult to restrain too!
Oh wait one last point before I forget! As I meant to refer to when I mentioned Nami and her fight with Double Finger and compare her to Robin, I was seriously expecting another Double Finger type fight with Nami and Ulti, the perfect matchup and personality of Ulti for it! BUT NOOOOOOO ODA! Despite how much you LOVE Nami including marrying a literal Nami cosplayer, this is how you treat someone you "love and respect"? GTFO ODA!