Why would you do tricep on back day and bicep on chest day when:
1. Most back exercises involve biceps (pull ups, rows, pulldowns)
2. Compound chest exercises use triceps a lot (bench press and variations, dips)
What do you mean? Weighted callisthenics means putting more weight on yourself, to get more resistence = muscle grow.
You need only the 3 basic exercises to have great results in the upper body (i ad some high advanced once on top of that), then you have to ad exercises for stomach and legs. I train 3 times a week and have a really good amount of defined muscles.
I have alot of friends who go to the gym and are shocked that i look like that while training at home lol
Instead of going to the gym everyday and train specific regions of muscles, i just train all of it at the same day.
Luffy's not as strong as some people assume. But I also doubt these calamities are gonna get trashed like that. Fifteen minutes is for Onigashima falling, not the rest of the arc in general.
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