Should MonsterZoro be banned?

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When was that ever mentioned?
Zoro is the most serious man in one piece, he's literally the one who tells the crew to take things seriously.
And? Just because he’s serous he kills at whims?

you don’t have to be told, you can easily see it in his fights. He holds back and doesn’t go for the kill when he can
Your avatar's girl using that controller is basically Oda messing with our Grandmaster but funnily enough Zoro Kills Kaido is as alive as ever, I'm deeply in sorrow for ZDK though :josad:
Yeah the girl with controller is best girl tho..I personally dont think ZKK will happen considering he is fighting kill and will collapse after that fight due to drug effect wear off...btw what is ZDK?
it s stated that law doesnt like killing
zoro has no problems killing
he killed helmeppo s dog mr 7 the magistrate
Law let Vergo die, smiled when Monet died and has actually killed people before

just because you’re okay with killing doesn’t mean you do it all the time. Law and Zoro both avoid killing their opponents if they can
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