Should MonsterZoro be banned?

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If Luffy fought Katakuri with Snakeman and FS from the beginning the fight would only last 30 mins.

Why do people think that Katakuri punching Luffy for hours is what led to his defeat
But Luffy had no FS from the jump and I am not sure if he had Snakeman tbh. Even if he did, I am sure it would be ineffective without FS but who knows, maybe three King Cobras could put Kat down if he manages to connect but then again, Kat can keep blocking and dodging till Luffy's haki gets depleted. Idk
This ain't like the Doflamingo fight where Luffy had G4 in the holster but still proceeded to fight in base, g2 and g3.
how to they decide the name of the epsiodes of the anime? Sanji wasn't even on it until the 15 minute mark :milaugh:

This should've been called "Apoo's Deadly Sound" or some shit, that was most of the focus of the episode.
The episode director for that episode agrees with you. He would have named the episode after something to do with Killer, but he doesn't decide the episode titles.
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