I have been wondering about this myself, it would be an extremely fitting/poetic/karmic fate for Queen but I don't want his character to get killed off, I'd like him to return in future somehow, even just for cover pages at minimum. But considering Queen's action, it would be hilariously ironic for him to go out in this way, even though Oda barely seems to kill off his villains at all too.
But yeah, this would be a very interesting twist too for the fight, a last resort, the final desperation by Queen (Lol final desperation - Final Destination?), that would make him much more dangerous even potentially. It could act as a pseudo awakening equivalent/Monster Chopper at Enies Lobby type moment for him?
A Yonko Commander who is a powerful cyborg with an Ancient/Dinosaur Zoan in Hybrid form and boosted like literally crazy by his own best viral creation and weapon, that sounds so WILD, dangerous and terrifying! Imagine how much stronger his stats will become, his strength, endurance and such?!


"The Ice Oni never bothered me anyway!"