Should MonsterZoro be banned?

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No, based on them physically clashing and neither being able to overpower the other’s haki.

So strength-wise, Roger ~WB and haki-wise, Roger~WB. I scale Big Mom and Kaido above Roger as well since they literally have everything he has and more.

Unless you think there’s some mysterious new advanced CoC we haven’t seen but that’s pure speculation.
Cool, a clash is a clash. Luffy clashed with Chinjao with CoA and CoC.

Then you stupid.
their opinions dont matter.
even if luffy isnt there powerwise post WCI, his notoreity and influence already reached such levels. that is why morgans easily proclaimed him the 5th yonko.

post wano, both power and influence wise he's there. he's a proper yonko.

can you even imagine the narrative morgans would spin? he'll just say that he subdued kid and got his help and wanos help and solo'd two yonkos on his own.
Is it a lie though!?
Regardless of whatever Kid fans want to sell… Kid is a Tsundere in this arc with Luffy…
Luffy is definitely a top tier with COC.

He did this to Kaido (2 pics) with just Gear 4 + Ryou and had both Big Mom and Kidd shook.

If those Gear 4 attacks had COC on them it might actually have put down/KO’d dragon Kaido.
Yeah right now I think Luffy is a Low Top. After defeating Kaido or Big Mom he should be a Mid Top
Well either way I think he has the power to fight any Yonko because of his overpowered DF, but I think Shanks would be the hardest to fight since Shanks doesn't have a DF and for sure the best haki master out there. Shanks should be much faster. BB depends heavily on his DFs.
I think he will fight only Shanks if anyone. and then will be taken down by Luffy.
I think Kaido would wipe the floor with him much easier than shanks hhhh


The Rogue Prince
Yo, my phone actually corrected Roger to Zoro wtf
now i disagree heavily.

you cant seriously place roger under kaido and big mom bro. they dont have future sight, they dont have advanced armament as well.
roger's subordinate rayleigh was using those casually. to match other monsters like those i can bet money that roger mastered advanced forms of all haki and was arguably physically fast enough for that future sight to work against those monsters (unlike luffy against kaido).

the narrative should be roger would overpower or atleast match them in combat so without having a devil fruit so his haki should be arguably stronger than them. slightly but enough to make a difference.
They fought for THREE DAYS my guy and neither had an advantage.

That not a fucking clash you buffoon
And have you seen the fight?
You literally talked about haki clashing and used that to claim their haki was equal, stop deflecting.
Neither the clash nor their supposed fight told us anything about their power except introduced advCoC.
If you want to deduct anything, if you want to push it, it is overall strength WB ~ Roger, something we already knew for 850 chapters.
Everything else is conjecture.
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A 3 day and night fight is a Clash?

Wtf is Blackbeard vs Luffy in Impel Down? A handshake?? :lulz::rolaugh:
Should read the context first before trying to sound funny.


The Rogue Prince
I’m expecting him to fail honestly..
i honestly wont be surprised if big mom ragdolls law and kidd for a while and then oda inserts some PIS and allows the BMP to take her out of wano. mothering mode or olin mode or something.

id hate it but i wouldnt put it past oda.
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Yo do we all agree now that Roger is weaker than Oden and Whitebeard?
balls. no reason to believe that. roger almost one shotted oden.
now i disagree heavily.

you cant seriously place roger under kaido and big mom bro. they dont have future sight, they dont have advanced armament as well.
roger's subordinate rayleigh was using those casually. to match other monsters like those i can bet money that roger mastered advanced forms of all haki and was arguably physically fast enough for that future sight to work against those monsters (unlike luffy against kaido).

the narrative should be roger would overpower or atleast match them in combat so without having a devil fruit so his haki should be arguably stronger than them. slightly but enough to make a difference.
I used to be of the mindset that the old top tiers (Roger, WB, Shiki, Garp, Sengoku, Xebec, etc.) were built different from modern top tiers (Kaido, BM, Shanks, BB, Dragon, Akainu, Mihawk, etc.), but after seeing Kaido and BM very casually use advanced COC, I don’t think it’s the case, and I don’t think it’s what the story is trying to portray.

It would be weird if Luffy’s opponents/hardships were less than that of Roger’s.


The Rogue Prince
I used to be of the mindset that the old top tiers (Roger, WB, Shiki, Garp, Sengoku, Xebec, etc.) were built different from modern top tiers (Kaido, BM, Shanks, BB, Dragon, Akainu, Mihawk, etc.), but after seeing Kaido and BM very casually use advanced COC, I don’t think it’s the case, and I don’t think it’s what the story is trying to portray.

It would be weird if Luffy’s opponents/hardships were less than that of Roger’s.
i mean im not saying that the old gen is outright stronger. id actually place them on a similar level.

roger is just builT different. i full expect someone fighting primebeard without a devil fruit to have adv CoA, adv CoO and adv CoC and all three mastered to the absolute best.

i dont think roger would have trouble dodging thunder bagua with his future sight and avoid getting tagged by it unlike luffy at the rooftop. i guess that's the standard i hold the pirate king, the one who rose above all the other conquerors in the sea to.
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