What will happen till end of Wano?

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It proofs Judge being right, thats the whole point here. Because of Judges actions, Sanji can achive greater things now. Oh man, isn't Judge such a great father?...
Helping his son becoming better, by modifying him when he wasn't born yet, as long as Sanji makes the best out of it, it's fine! :usoprice:
Sanji using it for good or whatever and it helping Sanji in doing it, makes Judges actions look less bad or even ''good''. You don't have a problem with that?
It proves Judge being wrong. Because of his mothers actions Sanji keeping his emotions will boost him to levels of strength that Judge and his chidlren can never dream of.

We don't fucking need Sanji to prove Judge that a regular human can be stronger than his modified kids anyway, there's the Garps and the Shanks of this world to showcase that clearly :milaugh:

The main objection and the thing that horrified Sora the most was the thought of Judge taking their humanity away by fucking with their emotions and turning them into killing/war machines that feel no empathy for others.

Judge thinks emotions make you weak and Sanji's way of life where he cares for others is a sign of weakness. If Sanji proves him that by living like that he can become way stronger than his brothers and even his modifications end up outshining theirs as result of him amping them up further with his emotions, then it's Judge's complete loss when it comes to him contesting Sanji's way of life.
More spoilers confirmed from Redon:

-Jack decapitates Dog and throws his head at Cat’s feet
-While Cat is distracted, Perospero launches a candy arrow through his skull
Mods can we thread ban this person for tarnishing actually spoiler provider names for their shit joke trolls on the people

Holy shit, why do people keep breaking the one unwritten rule in this forum?
Check chapter 898 for reference, big mom pirates confirmed that the reson why germa can't be affected by bullet is due to their sttel augmented skin not the raid suit. Later in the chapter sanji got shot with normal bulletand took intended damage.
Big mom pirates thought the germa had died in a previous assult, it's untill chapter 900 that brulee helped ferry the anti-germa amunition, it was said by oven when he came out of mirror world.
The ink arrows are capable of severly damaging ships and they even left casualties, yet sanji didn't suffer any damage when he blocked them in base form.
We are talking about bullets with stoopid velocity versus hardened ink drops.. To me its was just sanji's usual stuff.. Coz he has taken much more than mere hardened inks.. You have BM's knuckle punches.. A boulder to the body.. Luffy's punch.. etc
Do you want me to post upbthe definition of cyborg?
half human half machine.. But sanji ain't that..
Yeah… who cares where he got his powers from!
I would be upset only if his role and ambition is related to strength

Like becoming worlds strongest martial artist for example… getting a freaking gene mutation is a huuuge stupid way to ease his way into becoming the strongest

but the dude never cared about such ambitions…
He only wants to help his nakama… why should we criticize his path into becoming stronger!

Nami’s dream is to draw a world map
All her power ups comes from Usopp Lmao… who cares… it does not undermine or make a shortcut to her dream or ambitions
that’s what matters

This is exactly like Chopper and finding Mansherry’s tear drop… or using Miyagi’s treatment to Zoro to create the supposed magical drug that treats everything… that shit is a huge shortcut
Agreed fully. You know what's so funny people will think that I hate sanji. I don't at all. I hate how oda is writing him. He either takes uncessary L's and when he gets W's it's a catch..The raid suit is one thing but having it confirmed that he is indeed altered is just ughhhhhhhhh.

If this point was established early on then fine. But now? Even with sanji hating his dad? Now?

Maybe I am asking for to much but would it have not been better if sanji came up with his own version of Rokushiki? Like instead of storm leg have fire ball kicks like cinderace. Make him be the second person to have incredible future sight.

Have it rhay diable jambe has nothing to do with lineage factor and keep the need for sanji to spin to create friction to use it
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