What will happen till end of Wano?

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Zoro is a Shimotsuki and will kill Kaido. I will not keep the same energy because Zoro has been oppressed by the entire fanbase for the past six years. So if and when he is revealed to do such things I don’t wanna here ppl bitching.
i don't know why people have a problem with Zoro being a shitmotsuki it's not like they have mythical powers to be great swordfighters or something, besides it was pretty obvious when you looked at ushimaru and ryuma they both look just like Zoro
here were barely any direct engages- like, 1-2 of them. And in half of those Jyabura tekkai'd and took the blow without much effort.

It was a clown-fest for a good bit of chapter 414, with Jyabura trying to play like a retarded trickster and failing. In 415, when he got serious, he absolutely overwhelmed Sanji and kept landing hits after hits before Sanji could even figure out what was going on- and everytime they clashed, Sanji was sent away flying.

And that's why he was forced to DJ.
first you initial argument was that jabura out classed sanji's speed and mobility
these panels disagree

-sanji blitzes behind using jabura's body and attacks jabura

-Sanji dodges jabura's tempest kick and attacks with a barrage of kicks pushing jabura's tekkai even further to the point where you could see jabura moaning desperately holding out his tekkai..and is now even putting up a tough front

-Sanji out maneuvers jabura again and trips him to land a heavy blow
sanji's mobility > bajura's mobility

then your argument is this
it was obvious that he was much faster and stronger overall than base Sanji
the speed part is a baloney and now lets prove the strength part which is also incorrect
-Sanji and Jabura's first clash, we see jabura using tekkai from the getgo with a named move after shaving and sanji is equally clashing until he execute an attack and sanji is thrown away ( he's already using tekkai with his moves ..so much for 414 jabura not being serious

-"He BLocked sanji attacks with tekkai without much effort " yea is moaning intensely the part where it takes the least effort i'm not sure the sfx say "swaying" he's dizzy already?

-Is admitting that sanji's kicks are pushing him showing superiority in strenght? sorry my comprehension skills are a bit crey

-Now here's the interesting part .. sanji attacks with a named attack and jabura blocks with iron body yet gets overwhelmed and then he starts with his pathetic farce (mind you jabura is still putting up a brave front lol) but this proves that sanji overwhelmed him without needing tekkai .. (jabura is still using tekkai with his attacks and according to you he isnt' serious 7_7)

so jabura needs tekkai enhanced named attack to overwhelm sanji while sanji doesn't need such to overwhelm him while jabura uses tekkai... :kayneshrug: .. note that it wasn't even his signature move and jabura already showed his strongest attack "10 finger pistol" sanji hasn't used mutton mallate even once in this fight or even jou shot

-so you next argument is that jabura wasn't serious in 414

The guy uses his strongest attack in the "early stages of the fight"

-The guy used tekkai enhanced attacks and bragged about it just to get overwhelmed right after:seriously:

-The guy had to used poor acting to catch sanji off guard

well that proves enough..

another thhing you brought up is how sanji was getting blitzed around ... which is also false coz
sanji was able to react to the belegured attack ..the only good attack jabura did


he even notices jabura behind him and is unable to do anything coz he's mid air which was jabura's plan all along.

so this is the last one which you said "hence sanji was pushed to use DJ"

Sanji didn't use any of his signature or stongest moves again the wolf .. matter the fact he was pissed at jabura for talking shit about robin which jabura admits to

its just like how zoro doesn't use DSS to finish kaku coz he already manifested ashura to stop kaku

yea thats it.. believe whatever you wanna believe even if its a baloney or just straight up nonsensical interpretation of the manga or whatevere.. or just hit me witht hat " oh i already refuted this you are recycling you points"

Zoro is a Shimotsuki and will kill Kaido. I will not keep the same energy because Zoro has been oppressed by the entire fanbase for the past six years. So if and when he is revealed to do such things I don’t wanna here ppl bitching.
But you still bitch about the apparent 'Jesus Luffy'. So much bias. :josad::josad:
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Average Destiny/Prophesy complainer vs Average Inherited Will believer :myman:

@Blother You're the one on the left. :beckmoji:
Have there been any instances where an OP theorist actually got an event spot on before it happens and I don't mean obvious ones like King fighting Zoro
Tbh, I dont follow alot of people who predict stuff like this but maybe @playa4321 or @Bounty could tell you more if they keep track of it

But things I remember, just in pure hindsight:

- Chapter 100 is the exact chapter the crew heads to Grandline

- Oda waited till 1000 to get Luffy to the roof.

- Gear 2nd was teased on Chapter 387, Gear 4 debuted on 783

There are tons of these, these are just off the top of my head
i don't know why people have a problem with Zoro being a shitmotsuki it's not like they have mythical powers to be great swordfighters or something, besides it was pretty obvious when you looked at ushimaru and ryuma they both look just like Zoro
It's because they're eagle eyed readers and know being a Shimotsuki makes him an invincible God and diminishes Zoro's hard work because it's all thanks to having a last name, just look how overpowered Yasuie is.
So queen is saying that sanji's DJ is nothing compared to king.

Does that mean that sanji didn't even gurt queen, and we were right to think that sanji's AP was pathetic and that's why queen and king were easily able to slap both sanji and marco's ass into the ground.

People were actually thinking that sanji was damaging queen, well oda proved them wrong and woke them from their dream

Now that zoro joined the fight, sanji is gonna make all kinds of gains, and get all kinds of power up, like increased fire power and physical strength, exoskeleton,... Why didn't this happen when marco was around. :quest:

Some sanji fans also think that he wasn't modified, and that DJ isn't related to the RS, it can't be a coincidence that his weird feeling inly started when zoro joined him, so Logically that means that zoro has some kind of influence on sanji, making him stronger, could that influence be zoro's CoC? :bamathink:
Sanji gets stronger whenever he does something zoro is involved in, that's why sanji was weak af at WCI, because zoro washed his hand of that mission. Sanji even recovered his spirit once he compared his bounty to zoro.

Holy shit, why did nobidy notice this, sanji is only at zoro's level when zoro is around him, but when he's not, he's weak and pathetic.
The COC of the grandmaster knows no bounds :finally::steef:

The mystery is solved at last.
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