What will happen till end of Wano?

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Formerly Seth

AHAHAHAHAH oda is a genious.

I always Said that using a sword dont make you a sowdsman.

Swordsman are people that use their swords AS THEIR MAIN THING, atacks defende everything.

BM is not a swordsman, she has way more diversity, as Queen and Jack and now king are not as Well.

And shanks most than probably isnt too.

And this king zoro fight gonna be better ND amazing. Later zoro gonna behead kaido
Big Mom is questionable. I know we saw her fighting both bare handed and with sword but I think she performed better feats with sword.

Ikoku, Hakai and shit. Although u may be right. Even Mihawk laughed at her.
Sanji saying he's 100% human should not be taken seriously, especially when he first thought that DJ was a product of heat and speed.
Queen confirmed that all vinsmoke children are cyborgs, and denies the possibility of sanji being related to yhe lunaria race.
Sanji's leg patterns when he uses DJ is exactly similar to judge's patterns when he uses Electro-magnetic crack. So it's now confirmed that it's cybernatic.
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Well the F6 disappointed me a lot. I'm fairly confident Jinbe could have likely defeated at least 2 at the same time. Base King is probably consistently stronger than that. Also the more the gap the more exponential the number of opponents that can be taken at the same time, it's not really a linear curve yeah.
Idk I think Jinbe would have a problem with one of the tankier ones like Sasaki or Ulti. Franky had to whip out Radical Beam to put him down and Ulti got up after the Mazer Cannon
Didnt changed the fact that queen used haki and claws to withstand sanji attack, while king didnt even use haki or hybrid form to snatched zoro swords.

not to mention king‘s punch would one shotted zoro if he didnt dodge it

PS : if u cant even low diff kaido’s lapdog, dont ever dream about kaido head:suresure:
My guy here using his headcannon as reality. Queen is laughing off at Sanji while King is taking serious Zoro. Sanji with suit couldn't even last a second against King what's your point 😂😂😂😂🤡 he thinks one punch from King will end Zoro? 😂😂😂 He isn't Sanji dude, Zoro took on Kaido and Big Mom remember

Formerly Seth

I mean, yes. They are. Doesn't mean they're = in strength, just equal in importance
I know. But he means the strength part. So you don't have to worry. I don't wish bad things on people. You can sleep knowing that I'm a reformed man and won't cause chaos in the spoilers thread.

At least in theory.
Didnt changed the fact that queen used haki and claws to withstand sanji attack, while king didnt even use haki or hybrid form to snatched zoro swords.

not to mention king‘s punch would one shotted zoro if he didnt dodge it

PS : if u cant even low diff kaido’s lapdog, dont ever dream about kaido head:suresure:
Kaido and Big Mom couldn't beat Zoro with hakai after he has taking damage from their other attacks so King definitely won't oneshot him.
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