Is TACy a she or a he?

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But it did happen.
Luffy said that their attacks must be working even before asura and ACoC, so asura as the only attack that deeply wounded kaido must have weakened him significantly.
No. Kaidou started dodging attacks even before Ashura. It is the damage he accumulated since the scabbards. Even then he didn't show any distress. We can clearly saw the nerfed when actually it was nerfed. Take Doflamingo, it was clearly shown that gamma knife affected him. Take Whitebeard, it was clearly shown his heart problems affected him. Take zoro post kuma etc.
After 16character ganged on him im pretty sure no one can say he going to 1on1 beat him.
Meaning not a clear 1on1 since Kaido is nerfed from the begin off.^^
13 of those characters did zero serious damage to him.
Luffy got ambushed by Apoo's fruit , Ulti and Queen biting him, and wasted stamina getting to Kaido to begin with and he doesn't have a fruit to regen himself with.
Kaido is still up and relatively fresh, he's not limping around from his wounds, so any downplaying of Luffy's eventual victory (in which he will grow to overcome Kaido) is fucking bullshit.
Guess what, Luffy taking shitloads of damage to learn adv CoC, wouldn't happen if they were to both fight each other 100% fresh.
Kaido has been using boro breath for around 40 years and you think a 8 years old baby ,who just got 28 years by some nonsense fruit's power just few minutes earlier and didn't have any idea how his dragon form works, can match with Kaido's boro breath?
Why not. Kinemon is cutting fire for his whole life meanwhile Zoro 'steal' it just like that and cut the fire just like him.
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