Is TACy a she or a he?

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You're the one confusing things and don't pretend like this was already old news before, it's a new and big revelation!

People always considered Kaido a "thing" because of his DF but now he is confirmed to be a non-human even before receiving his DF.

It's fucking over. The "people say" rumors are even more embarrassing now, since WB never had any doubts in it.

Kaido is confirmed from the strongest race, nothing more.
Oda : Land, Air, sea...1v1 always bet on Kaido for he's the WSC"
No where Oda said : your race is the strongest that's why you're the strongest
Everything about kaido is about him being the strongest due to his own strength not his race

How does strongest creature means strongest race?
Are you even hearing yourself?

It's not a big news. Coz we knew Kaido wasn't human
Lol there's no big news!

Find me where Oda said Kaido is the strongest race lol or he's the strongest coz his race is the strongest


Zoro Worshipper
Why do Onis have to rule over humans? What are the chances that they were the gods of the past and not the Lunarians:choppawhat:
I would love to know what kind of dark things happened to their race, perhaps Vegapunk and Moria have something to do with it but they could have come in only later on in the history of weird stuff funnily
Yoo i can't keep up with so many agendas flying everywhere right now trying to hype Yamato, downplay Yamato, or use Yamato to hype her alongside certain characters or to downplay others :kobeha:

There's :

The Yamato hype purists who just wank Yamato
The straight Yamato haters/downplayers
Those making sure the Yamato wank stays bellow Luffy
Those trying to push Luffy and Yamato wank at Zoro's expense
Those trying to push just Yamato wank at Zoro's expense
The insecure Zoro fans who downplay Yamato
The insecure Sanji fans who downplay Yamato
The Zoro fans who try to cover their bases by pushing Luffy, Zoro and Yamato wank as a trio
The Sanji haters who jump at the opportunity of a "New M3" for the fourth time

And more :denzimote:
Beautifully summed up we all belong in one of those:milaugh:


When were you under the impression this game is..
Just wait if there's a tiny bit of blood from g4 snakeman acoc

The base luffy > asurs zoro folks are getting ragged this week
That never made sense as Zoro is pretty close to Luffy in power imo but saying that Blunt force damage should work like Slashes and be visible especially against a durability freak like Kaido is dumb.

The whole point of advcoa and CoC is to deal internal dmg, which unfortunately means its less show offy as slashes.

But hit yourself in the head with a hammer and then cut your cheeks, you would be bleeding more from the cheek cut but would you honestly tell me that it did more damage to you as a hammer to the head?
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