Is TACy a she or a he?

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ZKk is more alive than never:
Kaidou: "Wororo so you are that kid!!
The world doesn't need 2 dragons!!!

Kaido was talking about his race ONI and this is what we get from the OP staff for Zoro VC card:

The master swordsman who wields Oden's beloved blade Enma to cut an oni!

Oden's beloved sword Enma was entrusted to Zoro by Hiyori. Strangely enough, its creator was a Wano swordsmith who founded Zoro's hometown, Shimotsuki Kozaburo. Regardless of whether or not Zoro was aware of this, the 'Pirate Hunter' Zoro has come to Onigashima not to hunt pirates, but to exterminate an oni, having been entrusted with this fate from long ago. As a member of the Worst Generation who shoulder the next era, he faces two of the yonko in a ferocious battle.

1 dragon will go for sure, and this is what we get from Zoro VC card this week.

Zoro role is to exterminate the Oni, exterminate mean to totally destroy&kill the Oni, which in this case is Kaido!!
Retard is kaido complaining about their blunt attacks? No. Is he complaining about taking damage internally? No. Therefore those two aren't yielding results fighting kaido right? Exactly. Think before writing next time
So you always want kaido’s acknowledgement first before thinking they did damage?? Luffy and yamato clearly toppling kaido, and kaido for the first time getting pissed at yamato and whacking her multiple times. Just because kaido did not comment on it, does not mean their attacks were not effective. Do you think he’ll keep praising luffy as luffy pummels him to the ground later this arc?
Did any of them have multiple broken bones? No. They were simply fatigue correct? Yes. So why compare such a bullshit example? You that desperate?
Hajrudin had multiple broken arm bones and leg bones in multiple places, reread chapter 770.

He went from while unbroken, failing a strength clash to the point of his bones crumbling, to gritting through and winning it while broken in multiple places.

And a strength clash should logically more difficult to do while physically impaired compared to an attack involving more than brute force like Asura, that has even more of a mental component.
Dude you compared Yamato to Mihawk. The only joke here is you.
:milaugh:at least I have proofs Mihawk can't beat even Ycs easily. Couldn't even beat pre ts luffy

You basically had no proof but kept saying Yamato doesn't have adcoc or even coc, that she can't hurt kaido so she's weak...that she is koed by Kaido , that luffy saved her , that kaido isnt serious a

Used explosive cuffs on her
Left her to starve
Uses adcoc and named attacks
Enraged and did a barrage of attacks on her
Kept saying he's serious

You "kaido wasnt serious but was more serious versus SNs"
Even tho kaido was like "lemme play around with them" BM had to tell him "are you playing with your food again" only got serious when luffy gained adcoc

:milaugh:you wank dudes with trash feats :
Mihawk the fraud,
doffy the punching bag that had help but still lost badly
Jinbei who couldn't beat rookie Ace despite having advantage and better haki, also didn't beat daifuku or Smoothie despite being in water
Law whose ultimate move did less damage than Killer sonic attack .

Formerly Seth

@sanjikun @Hades

I actually know what Oda is going after.

Remember the chapter with Scabbards damaging Oden? Kaido got Oden PTSD and disabled his defenses ( same deal with Big Mom after seeing Mother Carmel photo destroyed ).

I think Momo will turn into human form, Kaido sees Oden in him and disables his defenses leaving an opening for everyone including fucking fodder until he gets back to his composure:gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh:
No he said he cannot fight as good because he is injured, we have seen a lot of times people using attacks while injured but only zoro fans say that his attack is much weaker, you have no proof of that, call me dumb or whatever but when you are able to use an attack whle injured as intended with haki and all its the same AP and sometimes even stronger then used healthy
Not fight as good? Because I can't move as quickly, because I am hindered physically? Both things hinder a person from using their max strength. What was your point even writing that when it says the exact same thing I stated?
The chapter is amazing, I just dont like one thing, and that is the lack of focus on Big Mom vs Law and Kidd.
Luffy's rivals are being treated like side characters, while Raizo and Fukurokujo get more panels and dialogues. Write down how many words Kidd said in this arc and compare that to Orochi's guards, Tama, and Beast Pirate fodders.

Yamato is indeed strong, but Kaido has insane durability.
He transformed into Dragon form after taking damage, it seems his healing is related to his Dragon form, or maybe he transformed just because of Momo.
Peek at how Yamato opened her arms after seeing Momo and Luffy, like she was ready to give a hug :milaugh:
I think we will have one more chapter on rooftop and focus shifts towards other fights like BigMom vs Kid+Law, Zoro vs King, Sanji vs Queen etc. whatever left in the live floor and then people who are idle after their fights try to stop onigaishima landing and we will have serious fight between Luffy and Kaido.....
@sanjikun @Hades

I actually know what Oda is going after.

Remember the chapter with Scabbards damaging Oden? Kaido got Oden PTSD and disabled his defenses ( same deal with Big Mom after seeing Mother Carmel photo destroyed ).

I think Momo will turn into human form, Kaido sees Oden in him and disables his defenses leaving an opening for everyone including fucking fodder until he gets back to his composure:gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh:
Too cheap.


The Rogue Prince
No he said he cannot fight as good because he is injured, we have seen a lot of times people using attacks while injured but only zoro fans say that his attack is much weaker, you have no proof of that, call me dumb or whatever but when you are able to use an attack whle injured as intended with haki and all its the same AP and sometimes even stronger then used healthy
So Whitebeard was at full strength at Marineford? Even though Marco acknowledges that his illness is wearing him down.
I thought Luffy hits like wet noodles but Yamato just trumped him.
What's even worse, their combined hits on base Kaido are like wet noodles. :cantseeme:
Luffy fans: Just you wait until Luffy goes G4. :ihaha:
People who think G4 is enough for Kaido simple skip the rooftop event. Luffy need something new, Kaido so far tank tons of hits and fighting over 40 chapters and the dude still looking fresh, they really need more firepower.

Kid stronger than Yamato ? Now why ? For the moment Yamato is stronger than Kid in my opinion.

She have AdvCoc while Kid don't have this
Yeah Kid need to prove himself finally against Bigmom with feats. Also he is right now <To Yamato. Probably it can change if Kid finally get feats.
So you always want kaido’s acknowledgement first before thinking they did damage?? Luffy and yamato clearly toppling kaido, and kaido for the first time getting pissed at yamato and whacking her multiple times. Just because kaido did not comment on it, does not mean their attacks were not effective. Do you think he’ll keep praising luffy as luffy pummels him to the ground later this arc?
Let me see the last time he literally told Luffy that his use of advanced coc is shit and that hiss fruit is shit worororo

I mean common sense would dictate that if he is feeling pain from Luffy that he would verbally express it like how he was doing so prior
:milaugh:at least I have proofs Mihawk can't beat even Ycs easily. Couldn't even beat pre ts luffy

You basically had no proof but kept saying Yamato doesn't have adcoc or even coc, that she can't hurt kaido so she's weak...that she is koed by Kaido , that luffy saved her , that kaido isnt serious a

Used explosive cuffs on her
Left her to starve
Uses adcoc and named attacks
Enraged and did a barrage of attacks on her
Kept saying he's serious

You "kaido wasnt serious but was more serious versus SNs"
Even tho kaido was like "lemme play around with them" BM had to tell him "are you playing with your food again" only got serious when luffy gained adcoc

:milaugh:you wank dudes with trash feats :
Mihawk the fraud,
doffy the punching bag that had help but still lost badly
Jinbei who couldn't beat rookie Ace despite having advantage and better haki, also didn't beat daifuku or Smoothie despite being in water
Law whose ultimate move did less damage than Killer sonic attack .
Yamato made zoro fans cry all over and I love it :ronalaugh: now they are waiting for zoro to fight kaido again HAHA

Formerly Seth

Even for Oda that is a bridge too far. I think Luffy vs. Kaido 1 v. 1 will resume shortly. We just need to get the "Oden" shit out of the way.
Might be, might not. Remember that Yamato went from stalemating with Ulti, postponing Sasaki fight to Kaido.

I expect a big bullshit soon.
:milaugh:at least I have proofs Mihawk can't beat even Ycs easily. Couldn't even beat pre ts luffy

You basically had no proof but kept saying Yamato doesn't have adcoc or even coc, that she can't hurt kaido so she's weak...that she is koed by Kaido , that luffy saved her , that kaido isnt serious a

Used explosive cuffs on her
Left her to starve
Uses adcoc and named attacks
Enraged and did a barrage of attacks on her
Kept saying he's serious

You "kaido wasnt serious but was more serious versus SNs"
Even tho kaido was like "lemme play around with them" BM had to tell him "are you playing with your food again" only got serious when luffy gained adcoc

:milaugh:you wank dudes with trash feats :
Mihawk the fraud,
doffy the punching bag that had help but still lost badly
Jinbei who couldn't beat rookie Ace despite having advantage and better haki, also didn't beat daifuku or Smoothie despite being in water
Law whose ultimate move did less damage than Killer sonic attack .
Mihawk is the biggest fraud in OP history. Even Oda dont know what to do with his WSS title and how he will compare his strength to fuckin Yonkou Shanks, who stopped an entire war by just blocking Akainu.
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