he does want ot strong enough for crew....
and as sanji bois always say.... there is no vice captain then why back down ??
I am not downplaying sanji here but his fans who try to drag zoro down.... His character has much more than half crew combined....I do love him....
try to hype him up instead of zoro down....
Dude didn't downplay him don;t worry... i like my dude zoro
I just replyed to someone who downplayed him or something i guess if forgot hehe

But what i meant is sanji is still so strong and we never got all out sanji since time skip cause sanji is not always fighting and giving action... but at times of need oda will put sanji where he actually stands..
just right there in the mons. trio
We need to see the constant progress of zoro cause thats the main thing about him.. getting stronger and stronger and becoming a beast who will be known as strongest swords man and stuff where as sanji doesn't have a dream like this... he is a normal kind guy who likes cooking and loving womens hehe
His character has much more than half crew combined....I do love him....
Sorry but you are wrong there my friend...
Zoro sure have a great character but you can;t put him above everyone by combining all the character develpment we got from others
Zoro's character is the least elaborated... we don;t know his past, parents, anything... just getting action and only action from a character doesn't make him above other characters who have less actions
The thing i always wanted from zoro was his past and a little but more different expressions.. though i like the way he is but a little more diverse would make him much more better believe me...
sanji is my more fav. and its all because of WWI arc... dude we got so much about sanji and after rewatching the show and all i just think he is the most elaborated guy in the crew after luffy... and the fact sanji got a whole arc about him i always knew the other guy left aside is zoro and he will get something like this too....