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This only proves she is not as relevant power-wise as everyone thinks. She did nothing but jogging around Kaido dodging his attacks and Kaido literally used only one named move and she barely matched it. She didn't break Kaido's stance once, nor she damaged him heavily.
Kaido is just that tanky.. Yamato broke his stance once and clubbed his head first to the ground he got up like its was no shit and he even thrashed her multiple times and according to her she isn't done yet.. for Yamato to be out witting and being able to keep up with the dood shows you her resilience (as an Oni) and her competence as a combatant, but Luffy and Yamato's portrayal have a massive gap coz we know what kaido said after he fought a wrecked Luffy

Whats confusing is that you can't say for certain that the wounds kaido got from his initial battles on RT are dragging him down.. if it was someone else you could certain and assume that ultimately the initial fights are affecting the dude now but.. Kaido doesn't seem to even Huff against Yamato over the course of their whole battle..

So kaido isn't at 100% coz he fought multiple opponents and even got a scar.. but that doesn't seem to drag him down unless you assume Yamato was landing blows due to fatigue and repercussions starting to act up.. and still keen on seein Luffy as a easily beatable opponent.. i can't gauge how much kaido have dwindled at all with the given facts.
Kid saying "You freaking better" is trash.

Kid is a conqueror. Not everyone has to suck Luffy's dick Oda
A lot of people misunderstood Kidd’s line here so I am going to comment on that -
Kidd is not hoping for Luffy to win because he has this friendship feeling for Luffy rather he says “you freakin better” because he knows if Luffy fails to defeat Kaido they are fucked as they have to face two yonkos at the same time which is why they split in the first place.
Did Momo just bite Kaido's ass?
One sword style?? on top of that both fight got off paneled with only the last attack shown to us
First, the half-assed Tobi Roppo fights
and now this? Are you getting lazy Oda?
and the flag here, I see that you're going to pull a Crocodile/Katakuri for Kaido
You're gonna nerf him so bad, that it's gonna be 1 on 1 win for luffy with Yamato as cheerleader and Momo being useless
wano, good start, good build up, but it all went downhill since the brainwashing kibidango and all those big mom shit
I should've seen it coming
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Yeah King, the YC1 who has the highest bounty among all YC1s so far and even more than Marco who he is very much comparable to, is weaker than all the other YC1 and is Equivalent to Smoothie, Cracker (who got One Shotted in a Fucking Gag Fight).
Jimbei having a way highest bounty than Zoro and Sanji, does this mean he is lot more stronger than them? No....so why King having the highest bounty YC1 is the strongest between Kata Marco is pretty much explain the argument. Having the highest bounty doesn't mean anything unless your top tier character like Roger Whitebeard Kaido Shank..

Because Agendas and "WiNgS oF tHe PiRaTe KiNg"
This is not an agenda, this is canon by Oda itself. Your are saying your not bias but make a statement saying Wings of PK is Agenda is clearly your bias.
You need to chill, mate.
Agenda is like ZKK or MKK, you should know better.
Yeah Conveniently forget that Kaido fought close to 20 other people before fighting Luffy. And who said Luffy is going to beat him in minutes and Without Help LMAO?

Yeah so going by your Logic Sanji isn't automatically over Smoothie, Jozu, Lucky Roo because of him beating Queen in 15 minutes but then you retarded Degenerate Cucks will scream "Wings of the Pirate King" and put him at YC1 level. Sanji beating Queen in 15 Minutes is Mid Diff but the Same cannot be extended for Zoro, who literally has feats against Yonko that Other Yonko Commander 1 can dream of, Right? Fuck off with your Agendas you moron.
have to give it to you, points were made
First time seeing zoro can argue with logic (I meant no offence)

Formerly Seth

So kaido isn't at 100% coz he fought multiple opponents and even got a scar.. but that doesn't seem to drag him down unless you assume Yamato was landing blows due to fatigue and repercussions starting to act up.. and still keen on seein Luffy as a easily beatable opponent.. i can't gauge how much kaido have dwindled at all with the given facts.
He still has awakening. He will heal fast as fuck.

He no sold combined advCoC attack.
How the fuck this kind of decisions passed by the editors?

They need to remove Oda's dick from their mouth.

Like I went with close to zero expectations with Jack sharing half a chapter at best with Peros,but Oda went past that .
Complete disrespect.
At this point should have just saved those panel he used for other things and offpanel it completely.
He is close to having completely lost it. He needs to go in indefinite hiatus if he is about to ruin the story like that. One shit decision after another.

He knows he needs the drama to survive ,but has completely removed any sort of tension in the arc and he keeps on giving with his decisions.

It's fine and dandy if he wants to show Tama and the Wanokunians,he needs to make us care(He won't succeed) ,but not scrap everything else to fit that moving wrecking ball of plot in the story.
Billion chapters for Tama shit ,and you have one of the main subordinates of the villain be done that dirty.
Very disappointing chapter
Luffy first sky splitting clash lacked impact and Jack and Peros got done so dirty. People say they don't care but Jack is responsible for Zou's tragedy and was basically the main bad guy of that arc. He was also the first character with a bounty equal or superior to 1 billion. His defeat being so rushed bring Zou arc down for me because of how weak the pay off is. How the fuck is Fuku vs Raizo getting more panel time than him?
I don't understand why Peros even came Onigashima, he didn't contribute anything actually important. Was his purpose getting defeated by Neko, a character that never interacted with pedro on panel after a fight that was 95% off-screen? The pedro revenge plot was weak to begin with, but it became even worse.
Very disappointed. Oda shouldn't introduce so many things if he can't wrap them up properly
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