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World's Strongest Swordsman
It's not as if Zoro even cut Kaido alone. He got massive support from Luffy, Law, Kidd. Oda went out of his way to give Zoro a great feat but his dumbass fans still aren't satisfied lol. Not only that but he's gonna be facing a YC1 which is right where he needs to be powerwise to be the right hand man of yonkou level Luffy.
No he didnt. He cut kaido alone. What support did he have when he cut kaido
Mihawk is the WSS so he is stronger than Shanks. And Shanks is a solid top tier, which makes Mihawk a high top tier. You shouldn't underestimate Mihawk. He could even give EoS Luffy a high diff fight.
Shanks is not a real swordman he use his sandals yonko level too like luffy.
Only zoro ryuma mihawk vista are Dai-kengou
Eow Luffy=Blackbeard >>>>>>>>shanks>>>>>mihawk


Never Feed The Badders Pasta
We know power scaling isnt your strong suit, dont stress your head too much with things you got no talent for. :goyea:

Zoro: I will be the strongest. :myman:

Stop buying into noodles powerscaling and made up tiers.
Zoro is king of feats, whether offense or defense, he rules the game.
The dude is clearly a top tier capable of things no other is.

Drop the copium mate, it isnt good for you.
Luffy: I've got to be stronger than everyone:datas:
Our opinions are supposed to change with facts. I'd openly call him a top-tier if Luffy truly does something worthy of being a top-tier. As a matter of fact, I acknowledged the sky splitting is indeed a feat worthy of a top-tier. I am not a blind wanker who calls Luffy a top-tier every time he does something amazing, that doesn't mean I am against the idea of him being a top-tier. In fact, the stronger Luffy is before meeting Shanks, the better it is for me, as it'll mean the character that I loved ever since I was a teen is that strong.

If not seeing things through your eyes instead of my own makes me a bad power scaler, then I am fine with being the worst power scaler there is. My criteria for scaling characters may not be an accurate one, but I, at least, don't downplay characters for the sake of downplaying without looking at the context.
Nope nobody calls Luffy top tier everytime he does something
You guys just deny the narratives

Luffy gaining fs and "beating" kata was to show that he was above YCs, that's that's narratives as ti why he also got 1.5 B

Luffy at Udon trainee and got adcoa to surpass Old Ray...he became low top or solid inbetweener
And Kaido compares him to the great ones

When he got adcoc, that's when Luffy became top tier...

Nobody has FS and adcoc and still "not " top tier or just inbetweener
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