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Kitetsu Wanker
:suresure:This is why I say this fandom sucks :
For them a top tier is what Mihawk is :
No W against vet or high tier
No fight vs Yonko/Admiral level dudes
No Advanced haki known

"Muh his feats don't matter, he is wss"

When it comes to luffy "feats matters... it is lacking " how does Luffy lacks in feats and Mihawk get a pass ?

luffy isn't top tier :milaugh:coz "he had help, Lost to kaido many times" so Sengoku and Garp should be high tiers too coz they teamed up against a Great pirate and also against Teach

Fuji fought with Doffy to beat Law
But Fuji remains top tier lol

These dudes
We know power scaling isnt your strong suit, dont stress your head too much with things you got no talent for. :goyea:
So, I have to be stronger than anybody else or I'll lose them!!!
Zoro: I will be the strongest. :myman:
No he already an Inbetweener, EOW Zoro with CoC. If Zoro beats King while the Drugs wore off two that means King was never on his level.
Stop buying into noodles powerscaling and made up tiers.
Zoro is king of feats, whether offense or defense, he rules the game.
The dude is clearly a top tier capable of things no other is.
Zoro wasn’t at one point in the story equal to Luffy, but that was never going to stop the fanboys from saying this dumb garbage. Toxicity is WorstGen’s specialty.
Drop the copium mate, it isnt good for you.

Gol D. Roger

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Gol Roger in 2040 :
Luffy beats Imu
"Not yet, luffy is yet to be top tier "

Bruh Luffy has been top tier since he got ryuo
Whether you like it or not , he was low top then
Now he's solid top tier around Admirals
Our opinions are supposed to change with facts. I'd openly call him a top-tier if Luffy truly does something worthy of being a top-tier. As a matter of fact, I acknowledged the sky splitting is indeed a feat worthy of a top-tier. I am not a blind wanker who calls Luffy a top-tier every time he does something amazing, that doesn't mean I am against the idea of him being a top-tier. In fact, the stronger Luffy is before meeting Shanks, the better it is for me, as it'll mean the character that I loved ever since I was a teen is that strong.

Which feats lacking
But Mihawk is top tier for his poor feats at mF?
Fuji is top tier for looking worse than base kata/base yamato vs Luffy?
You seriously should check your scaling criteria
It sucks so bad
I'm really serious, you shouldn't be a mod for such bad takes at PL
If not seeing things through your eyes instead of my own makes me a bad power scaler, then I am fine with being the worst power scaler there is. My criteria for scaling characters may not be an accurate one, but I, at least, don't downplay characters for the sake of downplaying without looking at the context.
Salty haters thinking of ways to downplay Luffy's sky splitting feat:
Nah, Luffys skysplitting feat is fire, even I am thinking that as a full blown woro fan. Its indicating that luffy is now on the top tiers.
Post automatically merged:

For you, Shanks is a Power swordsman(Zoro) or speed swordsman(Brook)?
I'd say a haki swordsman, so more like zoro and mihawk actually.
I don't remember kaido taking seriously yamato but anyway the whole fact she gonna join SH is enough to make people understand where she will be ranked and its not above sanji or even jimbei, accept it sooner it's better for the health :josad:
Above Jimbei she will be, her future is so brightly, Jimbei is almost in his prime, o give him more 2 or 3 years to reach, Yamato is young and can developers more in the future.
Ah no

if Luffy beats Shanks he is on Mihawk level, Mihawk > Shanks
Shanks is a swordman and he is not the WSS. So that makes Mihawk stronger than Shanks. Mihawk is waiting for someone who is going to surpass Shanks so he can fight and beat him. Isn't that saying enough?
Shanks and Mihawk are too close even if one is stronger beating one is enough to put you above the others
It's like beating WB you will be automatically stronger than Roger
Moreover Luffy is not equal to people he beats 1vs1 is always stronger
Shanks and Mihawk are too close even if one is stronger beating one is enough to put you above the others
It's like beating WB you will be automatically stronger than Roger
Moreover Luffy is not equal to people he beats 1vs1 is always stronger
Still that wouldn't automatically make luffy above mihawk but maybe equal. It could go either way.
Why some people here trying to downplay the MAIN CHARACTER of the story, there are not so much more opponents for luffy until end of atory so it makes snese that EOW luffy will be above admirals at least.


It's not as if Zoro even cut Kaido alone. He got massive support from Luffy, Law, Kidd. Oda went out of his way to give Zoro a great feat but his dumbass fans still aren't satisfied lol. Not only that but he's gonna be facing a YC1 which is right where he needs to be powerwise to be the right hand man of yonkou level Luffy.
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