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Yeah, but you assume that I’m complaining for the sake of it when I’m simply upset when in a 115 chapters of an arc a single panel couldn’t be dedicated to the fights of two relatively important characters (especially considering that characters like Tama and all the marathon to reach Kaido on the Roof had multiple chapters dedicated to it).
Fair, my bad for lumping you in with the people who bitch and moan week after week. You have my apologies.
Retard trying is different from stating he is going all out. It's like people lack comprehension skills. Currently he has used 1 named attack. Hasn't use another one on king sense. That is completely different that stating that he is going all out
Wtf is ur problem, i didnt say he is going all out, i just said that some zorotards like you think he isn't TRYING when he is using haki and 3 swords with named attack and the fight just begun.
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