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Doflamingo is at least = King, that's for sure.
No "YC2" BS either, Queen is not that much stronger than Jack while Doflamingo has COC and awakening. So awakening is truly an ability reserved for peak high tiers.
Based on what king is on a different tier the Queen and jack? so far they got better feats then him.
That was probably one of the worst works which Oda did for his manga, that was really Nanatsu taizai ending shit level and it shows that even One piece aren´t save from getting a worse ending in the end seeing how Oda shit right now with the raid.
And im not even talk about the defeats, they aren´t the problem but the way how Oda handle the whole situation so far and it is really a joke and asking a reader to continue this if Oda not care for his characters, a good mangaka not just take care for his top dogs while trashing everyone around.

Imagine this, Big mom pirates not joining the war because they didn´t even think for a single moment to enter wano in 1-2weeks, Oda let them enter wano in the same day where Marco come to wano and kick them out, that was already a asspulll nonsense moment.
But for some reason he only let Perospero go to wano and seperate him with his brothers/sisters even though Perospero aren´t the only one with a DF to enter wano.

Now you thinking Oda planning something big with Perospero and the though is not wrong, you see him building up Pero as a major threat and his plot continue with Pedro&Carrot. Then you finally get Sulong Wanda+Sulong Carrot vs Perospero and what Oda doing? Yeah offscreen the battle, you saying first "okay probably he save that for later when he want to show more of Perospero", then you see a Perospero who continue to do nothing, he goes to a live floor and doing almost nothing for 5-10chapters...
Showing that Oda don´t have himself any clue what to do with Perospero, so he use Nekomamushi as opponent, build up the battle and start them fighting each other two-three chapters ago, you think finally Perospero beeing in wano for a reason get answered and we see the end of his plot with the Minks and what is Oda doing again?
Yeah offscreen his 99% of the battle of Perospero final fight only to let him one shot onpanel for one page...
I mean why taking Perospero to wano if you already decide to offscreen almost every fight scene with him? Why building up his plot and giving the fans the feeling that Perospero finally get his own fight? Literally the worst what Oda doing here and Jack aren´t better.

We had basically a small arc where Jack fuck up the Minks, a huge plot and the reason who end in a big alliance, if Zou didn´t would happen, a big alliance with the Minks+Strawhats would never happen. Other plots wouldn´t happen. And finally we reach the end of the story about the Minks vs Jack at the rooftop. Hyped to see the dynamic battle with lot of tension and emotion because of zou and Oda basically offscreen the whole fight again, we just see the result where Jack finish all Minks and the two Dukes enter their sulong form.
And the offscreening continue, Jack get defeated(where we only see the end result like in this chapter) and you think it is over.
What is Oda doing, take Jack back, give him a build up and running though the castle to find Inu again, you get the hope that he finally show something about Jack, but nope he basically repeat what we see at the rooftop, Jack fighting Inu literally end in same way as at the rooftop, the result we not seen anything from Jack. Why you bring him up in first place if you let him beat in same way again in offscreen by the same opponent?? What the fuck is Oda thinking, really? Are the editors smoking to agree for such a plot?

I defend Oda for the most actions, even with the flying six short battles I kinda accept it and hype still the even, but I can´t believe what im saying but @Seth and @Topi Jerami are right, people hating fairy tail or other mangas for some weak plot. Oda isn´t better, this arc show all his mistake and that he is not anymore in his prime.

What make me more angry is the fact that he spend 100chapters of buildup, giving screentime fodders and waste basically overall screentime for irrelevant stuff only to cut off screentime in the most important part, that is the worst about Oda.
He is a good mangaka, but in wano I get the first time the feeling that he seem to be overstrained with the plot and doing to many mistakes, probably the young editors aren´t really help him in first place...

I get a flashback all over again like I did in fairy tail, when Mashima make Sting a moron for not fighting injured fairy tail members or when Laxus one shot Jura.

I can´t believe it...
There is still room for BMP to do something at the end of Wano
Perospero might be out but he will comeback for BM plot, Oda did him dirty
No, Doflamingo was gravely injured which made up for his terrible performance vs G4. Also, base Doffy looked bad, awakening Doffy matched Bound Man for 20 minutes with hakiless strings.

A more healthy Doflamingo would perform better. Imagine putting heavily weakened Katakuri, who fought Snake Man, against first round Bound Man who is not that weakened. Of course Katakuri would perform worse than normally, a massive reduce in reaction speed to which Katakuri might not take those 3 G4 combo attacks as well as he would have done before.
Jack was also heavily damaged
Kata was also heavily damaged
Wb was heavily weakened...

Awakening didn't match boundman, it was stalling coz luffy didn't adjust yet, once he did he overpowered it quick.

Stop making up excuses
Being weakened doesn't weaken your skills or AP

If Doffy's reaction speed lowered down then he wouldn't react to block or stall boundman

Healthy Dofdy still won't beat G4 or stalemate it
He also fought a weakened Luffy
It's pretty clear Perospero was beneath Cracker when his full power candy wall got redhawked but Cracker required G4 to beat.
Considering Pero=Jack has been confirmed, this solidifies the power structure between the two crews:

Smoothie/Cracker ~King/Queen
Pero ~Jack
Candy is weak to fire. It isnt about Red Hawks strength.
"Yamato looks at Momonosuke as he remembers some words Momonosuke said to him when he was still a child."

Look, I didn't want to start that shit again, but by now even the dumbest users should be able to identify redon's nonsense.

It has gotten to a point where his idiotic use of male pronouns actually makes some passages of his spoiler summary barely readable.

You literally have to think thrice about which he/him stands for who, just because redon wants to drive home his ridiculous agenda by using those pronouns as often as he can.
Agenda Piece is more action packed than actuall One Piece. :crazwhat:
Jack was also heavily damaged
Kata was also heavily damaged
Wb was heavily weakened...

Awakening didn't match boundman, it was stalling coz luffy didn't adjust yet, once he did he overpowered it quick.

Stop making up excuses
Being weakened doesn't weaken your skills or AP

If Doffy's reaction speed lowered down then he wouldn't react to block or stall boundman

Healthy Dofdy still won't beat G4 or stalemate it
He also fought a weakened Luffy
Stop it with this fucking garbage. Boundman would BODY any Yonko Commander. Katakuri/Cracker survived because of evasiveness.

Calamities don't have that evasiveness. Queen can't dodge anything Sanji throws his way.
Doflamingo was taken out by 2 Top Supernova, like Big Mom is about to be taken down by.

Law/Kid have gotten 0 powerups from Dressrosa so far, and Big Mom is EQUAL to them.

Oh my god. Shut up. When Kid and Law get their bounty increase you will realize Big Mom is on a whole nother level compared to Doflamingo.

I'm talking 2 billion+ each.
Makes sense. Queen and King have equal portrayal so far while Jack is significantly below that. Peros though has to be the biggest winner of the Wano arc despite his defeat. The man has really proved his mettle and strength. Before Wano I don't think anyone was going to scale him alongside other YC level characters especially the top 3 YC level.
I did
People didn't see it
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