Strongest YC1

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The Rogue Prince
Yeah twice training and sword itself.
You can't do basic calculation
See it increases Haki. That's literally it. The sword being a powerup other than that is literally you day dreaming and twisting narratives to downplay Zoro when Oda literally had him give up a black blade in Shusui for plot purposes.

Fuusen was used way before MF to help the Merry reach GrandLine.
Fuusen didn't negate shit. Luffy is already immune to blunt attacks. Fuusen allows him to increase his surface so he could save Mr3 who was on the platform.
Luffy didn't learn fuusen from someone.
Explain why Zoro tried to learn it from Kinemon if it's not an actual PU ? It's like saying Rasengan isn't a PU for Naruto.
You don't even know what is a PU.
Bruh can you not read? I compared foxfire style to Fuusen as moves. And ofcourse Sengoku used haki when he hit Luffy, Fuusen and Mr. 3's wax saved him there.

Learning a move doesn't mean its a powerup lol. Sanji learnt Sky Walk. Does that count as a separate powerup? Rasengan is Naruto's finisher, you can compare that to Zoro's Ashura, which is a powerup. Foxfire style is not a powerup.
Ironically he is the one doing damage control.
Its like this every week.
Zoro fans love the chapter and candies be like : "zoro fans in the mud" "But didnt zoro fans say x y and z before?"
Meanwhile we are hyped as fuck for more zoro greatness:milaugh:
They think we're mad because Zoro isn't defeating King fast, but we're just enjoying Oda giving a worthy fight for Zoro finally

Wano is so fucking good for Zoro

Seppuku intro scene, playing Hawkins, defeating Kamazou, Enma, playing Apoo, Rooftop, Asura, CoC, Ryuma / Ushimaru, now Kingu

this is too much greatness, wtf
Always thought she was Luffy’s right hand boob with Nami being the left one :endthis:

Yamato resident dragon expert will teach Zoro how to fly using flame clouds :cheers:
you mean Momo? Nah I expect some interaction between Yamato and Zoro very soon, probably King will not let Momo easly stop Onigashima and as we can see King has a super aerial mobility. Yamato will update Zoro background with an other flashback.


He could just put up a CoC barrier up. Kaido couldn't even break through, King has zero chance of touching Luffy:kobeha:
well that's true :D Kaido in his strongest form , swinging his kanabo with both arms and Luffy is using his tiny fist, but he couldn't do touch him. well that is crazy. but let say he will dodge them, CoC haki barrier will be too much.


The Honoured One
Luffy didn't need PU to beat his first Yc, only got help

Zoro got 2 PUS and a training yet struggling much still to beat his first YC lol
Luffy needed 2 ycs, FS, advanced CoA and CoC to try and clash with Kaido.

Zoro was required to be nerfed by plot and Hakai so that he wouldn't accidentally kill both Yonkos.

There are levels to this.
The problem with non-Zoro fans is that they prefer to scale Zoro down, rather than scale his opponents up. King was the one lacking feats, not Zoro.
Don’t try being smart, you zoro fans said that he was above yc1 and they couldn’t even push him past low diff

then said king and queens are near equal

now y’all are overhyping king
You zorotards talked shit about king for a year and now suddenly you wank him to the moon, pathetic.
Not me :kayneshrug:

I just said i didn't like King's character that much because he didn't talk about shit and Oda made him fail time after time at accomplishing his goals during the raid

But i never doubted he was fucking strong

and now Oda is making up for it :steef:
you mean Momo? Nah I expect some interaction between Yamato and Zoro very soon, probably King will not let Momo easly stop Onigashima and as we can see King has a super aerial mobility. Yamato will update Zoro background we an other flashback.
I actually meant Zoro since Oda said that ideally would be his DF and he cuts flames and he needs to fight King and he just flew this chap-yknow what nvm :josad:

Yamato flashback with Zoro would be cool though :endthis:

And Sanjibros keep taking Ls if Zoro can now fly with his swords :stealthblack:
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