Is Sanji's Power Up Legitimate?

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Now that Queen is revealed to be basically a megazord, I have a feeling Queen will be left as just a talking head at the end of Wano.

Maybe he'll become Franky's sidekick à la Yemir style that helps him develop better tecks and even poisons for Usopp and medicine for Chopper. :vistalaugh:
Here's what I think:
Black blade is, indeed, related to CoA mastery. And Zoro ALREADY has "black blades". Now, what makes me say that?
First. The training with Mihawk. When Mihawk talks to Zoro about Black Blades, he doesn't know if Zoro has CoC or not, and even then he told Zoro he could achieve black blades. It could be the case, if CoC is actually "unlockable" by anyone, by so few people actually manage to do it, that's why it's so rare, since it's tied to a person's "spirit" and not a "training". For the sake or the argument, let's assume that's not a thing, CoC is not possible for everyone and Mihawk, for all intents and purposes, assumes Zoro doesn't have CoC.

Ok. CoA. And Oda said that Zoro is the CoA guy. Makes sense that he aspires a feat that would reflect the pinnacle of both swordsmanship and CoA mastery. Cool. But in what occasion did Zoro have this flashback? After he cut Pica's golem, and, for the first time, we saw Zoro applying the "blackening" to his swords (basically, the flowing haki tech from Wano). He's looking at his new black sword with a big smile on his face and a sense of satisfaction.

But here we have a problem. His swords are not "permanently black". Besides that, we have Shuusui, an already black blade that Zoro has and uses before even mastering Ryou. So...what's the deal with it? We learned it later that Ryuuma "forged" the black Shuusui through countless battles. What I THINK is the case here, is that the "blackening", after being applied both multiple times and with better ryou appliance, permanently "tattoos" the blade, making it "harder" due to the hardening effect of Haki, but it doesn't mean that it should be able to replicate Haki feats of, for example, touching Logias by itself. In this case, it would make sense that the sword becomes "a better grade", due to the fact that the "hardening" from CoA is "added" to the sword natural toughness. Could also explain why Zoro thought Shuusui was "heavier" than his other swords when he first used it.

So, Zoro ALREADY achieved "black blades". BUT, considering that he can still "imprint" an extra layer of toughness on his swords permanently, is the difference between a temporary and a permanent black blade. It's like he can "double" the toughness of the blade this way. Once when he puts Haki into it and it turns black permanently, and a second time when it is already blackened and he puts his Haki into it again.

At least that's what the story so far led me to believe. Sure it could be about Adv. CoC, but we have characters like Roger and WB who were adv. CoC users with supreme grades, and they dont have black blades. But Mihawk, who, so far, didn't show CoC, has it since the beginning of the story. Maybe what will set Zoro apart from them is the fact that he's gonna stack these 2 elements. Both CoA mastery through black blades, and also applying Adv. CoC with it. Who knows.
What you think about this take on the matter?
Sound like a great theory i like it Zoro is coa specialist this would be perfect for him, question is how many times he would need to repeat this before he forges it into black blade for Ryuma it took probably decades same for Mihawk maybe that is where adv coc comes into play to speed it up


Talent is something you make bloom.
Oden used haki on his sword from 18 - 39 and no black blades
I know what you mean.
But Oden is also 2 zoros tall but, for some reason, his blades are regular sized now.
I REALLY dread to use Oden as parameter when he is clearly a product of Oda's self japanese wankness.
I could say Zoro outdid him by mastering Emma in just a few weeks, or that, but I fear that in doing so, Oda is gonna wake up one day and retcon Oden to say ame no habakiri is a black blade and Oden did it while fucking Toki, by also turning his dick Black.
@dirtyLarry seething rn
Why should I be seething?

I made my point clear and haven't said anything about it in weeks.

If @Lance_Dragonite and company still want to misgender Yamato while 95% of the fandom understood the situation ... well, whatever.

Not like they will suddenly change their agenda because of me. They're too deep into it.
Yeah the wing that was playing with Black Maria while the captain was fighting 2 Yonkos is more useful than the one who protected his captain during that fight multiple times.
Who tf cares about this wings shit but Sanjisexuals? I mean Lucky Roo is stated to be Shanks's right hand man along with Beckman but at the end of the day; who is said to be comparable to Shanks? Ben Beckman only. Same applies with Sanji, he will never reach Zoro's lvl. He ain't even a CoC user, he's finished.
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Yeah the wing that was playing with Black Maria while the captain was fighting 2 Yonkos is more useful than the one who protected his captain during that fight multiple times.
Not to downplay Zoro (who had a massive role on the rooftop) but Sanji was crucial too in this raid: he saved Momo with the RS from King and Queen, and that saved the raid itself.
They are the two Stars of the war after all, as Marco said.
Hes not beating either niji or ichiji without his own rs.
Wow what a feat !
Yes he's clearly a haki master cause he dodged a fucking jelly bean
Not a haki master but still a awesome feat, remember that Kata has FS, so if Sanji dodged his attack, that means Kata didn't see that happening with FS, so for one moment Sanji's CoO was "better" than Katakuri's
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