Is Sanji's Power Up Legitimate?

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Zeff stuff is the weakest point of Sanji's drama in WCI imo. It was clearly telling the readers that Big Mom was what threatening Zeff, then Oda suddenly retconned into it being the Germa 66 and it suddenly stopped mattering. It's like Oda wanted to add stake without having the intention to properly resolve it.


Zoro Worshipper
Is it so hard to understand that Zeff in that specific moment was still under the threat of Germa? Sanji couldn't have done literally anything if not to follow the germa plan.

If it was Zoro, and his master was threatened. What do you think he would have done?
This is nonsense but I don't expect much from a biased Sanji fan. Risky move = risking lives, there wasn't just Zeff's. Luffy would have never given up his dream in that case. He even preferred to keep his journey a little ahead despite Ace's VC was burning like that. He had to take the gamble and he didn't.
You literally said Sanji beind kind is a myth, moron. Yes, you denied he has other moments.

A guy shared a panel of Brook calling him kind, you essentially try to refute that statement by saying "actions speak louder than words" as if there's none in which he's kind towards his crewmates in the first place. It's not called a debate, i'm showing everyone how much of a pathetic attention-seeker you are.

"Muppet" lmfao. You can't even keep track of what you write.
Luffy is more kind than Sanji.


Talent is something you make bloom.
I even said he gives his enemies food, so why you ignore that? This whole thing was about how he treats his crewmates apart from Nami and Robin.
No kind person gives his crewmate razorblades for food, so its a myth.
Sanjis moments being dickhead are countless, you cant even count it. Tf brook calling sanji kind prove? We have seen over 1000 chapters of one piece so we know what he is like.

You are buffoon that argues just the sake of it
Come on, m8.
The "razor blade" thing is just some shit some random kids asked Oda on a SBS and instead of Oda saying "nah, it's just your imagination" he took the opportunity to make a joke about zoro and sanji rivalry.
Dude knows everyone's favorite food, he never makes "bad food" for any of them, despite the "i use the fresh ingredients for nami and robin only".
Even a fucking filler captures his essence better than some dumb SBS joke when he makes a freaking nutritional feast using only leftovers.
Stop taking these jokes for granted. One Piece is full of these stuff.
What does that have to do with my point though? Kaido couldn't one shot a defenseless Law in hybrid form (reminder that Law can use curtain for extra defense) so I don't see how Zoro using any regular old attack could do the job

Law also has shambles so... is Zoro gonna hit Law while he stands still or smthn
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Shambles gives him instant movement wdym he's too fast?
This is pretty easy to understand, Law with all his Jax lost to Doffy and would still lose to him, and Doffy is someone far weaker than Zoro so how is he going to lose against fodder Doffy but beat God Zoro??

In all seriousness there is just no way Law can beat Zoro, for him to land solid hits on Zoro he would need to engage in CQC and he is far below Zoro in that aspect, his only hope would be to try and trick Zoro into making a careless mistake but when Zoro takes someone seriously he never lets his guard down, I just can’t see how Law can do anything to Zoro, someone who outclasses him in every aspect of combat.

It might be more fair to match Law and Sanji since I believe while Sanji is weaker he makes up for that in speed and the fight can go to anyone of them
You can look it up, zeff was mentioned only after the explosive handcuff thing
Actually thats mentioned at Zou, but its not shown to the readers, only when Luffy arrives and sees Sanji, thats when its revealed that since Zou Zeff was being threatned about having his head cut off and sent to Sanji in a box, and that was the reason Sanji left
This is nonsense but I don't expect much from a biased Sanji fan. Risky move = risking lives, there wasn't just Zeff's. Luffy would have never given up his dream in that case. He even preferred to keep his journey a little ahead despite Ace's VC was burning like that. He had to take the gamble and he didn't.
Luffy literally almost died at marineford to save his brother and he was sacrifying his dream for Ace. It's literally the same thing :cheers:
To me sanji isnt kind
He told jinbei to kill himself
He puts razors in zoro food but doesnt poison big mom
He racist towards fish @le fishe de crydo
He didnt even wanted to help the punk hazzard kids if it wasn t for nami
He kicks his capitan that doesnt fight back and half dead from a fight with a commander
Doeasnt even thanks daddy judge for pyjama and exo skeleton:josad:
Zeff stuff is the weakest point of Sanji's drama in WCI imo. It was clearly telling the readers that Big Mom was what threatening Zeff, then Oda suddenly retconned into it being the Germa 66 and it suddenly stopped mattering. It's like Oda wanted to add stake without having the intention to properly resolve it.
No it makes sense, the Vinsmoke Used big mom's authority to act like it was big mom who was treatening Zeff, but in reality she didn't care, it was the vinsmokes... but by doing so, they managed to get sanji, those liyers lol
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