Who has the best Onigashima PU?

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Paramecia awakening is supposed to affect the environment. Did Oda forget that?

Law/Kid awakening doesn't really fit that bill by the spoilers.
Does it really have to affect the environment only? From their awakening it just proved it can be different depending on the DF(more like what’s beneficial for the character lol)
zolo's wanked feat didn't even knockout or put a Yonko on their knees

Beating a Yonko >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> zolo's wanked feat:gokulaugh:
calm down you haven't even seen anything. Right now his feat is better then anything anyone has put up, name me a better single feat on a Yonkou. Is it so bad to speak the truth now. If Kid shows a better feat than that, congrats and I will be the first to say so.
A sum of the fights that still need to be finished:
Raizo vs fuku
Big mom vs kid and law
Queen vs sanji
King vs zoro
Kaido vs luffy

Now raizo vs fuku will be half a chapter at most lol. Zoro and sanjis fight will be 2 to 3 chapters max. Kid and law vs big mom will be 3 chapters not including this. And kaido vs luffy will be at least 5 chapters (not inuding a flashback). So i think 15-20 chapters to finish the fight

Also we still need to have:
- a possible kid flashback
- kaido flashback (cuz of all the teasing and the importance of wano and how yamato came to be)
- killing orochi
- cp0 stuff
- some filler
I slept well for once lmao, got trolled again but here I am.

Well, idk Kid & Law, it's cool that they awakened their abilities, but how does it happen. Do they feel it and explain it, or do they actually use it and the fight is over? I wanted more action :josad:
Kinda sucks but I don't see them winning, maybe they incapacitate her though. A one shot at this point is indeed an asspull.


Lead them to paradise.
Pacifism only works as a concept when you are as strong as Thorfinn, who earned that strength through violence. Very hypocritical message from the author.
You can earn strength without violence, the fact that Thorfinn did it through bloodshed doesnt mean it cant be done without. You got the manga’s message wrong imo.
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About zero casualties alone, Arabasta may try to compete with Wano. But theres something very different about Wano. Crocodile is a massive figure pre-TS and he didnt disappoint. He made Luffy felt like an ant and made me root for Luffy to win. The fights didnt drag and it felt efficient even though theres gags involved like water Luffy, eating meat with healing etc. But Wano is even more massive, much more. It's hyped since pre-TS, the enemy is WSC and NBD (2 Emperors at once, one of which being hyped by Garp and everyone as unbeatable beings etc etc), and we get WSC being hostage-dependant and wounded by everyone, also we get Wedding Cake, also we get Luffy fighting fodders for 10++ chapters and sacrificing the more important fights/spotlites in the process? Imo its much better in its build-up but the payoffs, execution, storytelling, fights' dragging, pointless gags amount, are much worse than Alabasta.
Wano is written way better than Alabasta saga, which felt like a bunch of unfocused arcs and a final action flick arc to conclude that had nothing going for it besides boring rebel army and a bunch of 1v1. Wano is thoroughly planned and every action is a product of something that came before it. Wano is the saga that perfected "causes and effects" storytelling.
I was absolutely exaggerating in that post lol. I was responding to a borderline troll-ish statement, you don't need to take everything seriously.

Fwiw, even pre powerup I do think Kidd was relative to Zoro and Law was not far off. With these powerups, things change obviously and Zoro's probably getting another powerup as well.
I get it. But i see it a lot when fans interpret someone's surprise or any kind of reaction beside stoic bitch face as a sing of weakness. Which is... what? :pepeke:
I know how it works and Yonkos said about the sword more than Zoro when he was attacking. Before you say 'COC', it wasn't in those attacks except maybe Asura, but even having COC isn't putting Zoro above when he has no control of it and it only got into that attack by Enma. Again other swords unable to harm him, only Enma.

Come back when you can admit fault and admit Law and Kidd above Zoro since their introductions and even now.
Yes, continue to tell me that this scene is wrong.

While you at it tell me about your fictional work, two piece.
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