What move did Sanji use to beat the prostitute up?

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Glad X Drake refused to join up with Apoo. Hopefully Drake does something by the end of the arc since he's still up (I guess beat Apoo if he deems it necessary then Marine stuff). I was kinda underwhelmed by Hawkins not getting much focus even in the Killer fight since it was pretty quick (atleast what was on-panel) so I'm hoping Drake doesn't disappoint too much from here on out.

Hopefully Usopp gets to face a Number as an opponent. He hasn't gotten a time to shine or prove he can manage/pull a win against tough physical opponents in the New World on his own (he was good at holding people back and taking blows though). I want to see him make use of his Observation haki.

Glad to see Hell's Memories make a return, been waiting for that attack for a while. Next is Anti-Manner Kick Course (hopefully). I expect Hell's Memories to do a lot of damage (definitely more than Rotisserie and Grill Shot) but if it doesn't do the job, guess Sanji will have to pull out something new and I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully we see more bits into Queen's past with Judge and Vegapunk.
Mihawk is endgame material for Zoro and if he is really high top tier as I thought, he should be >>Zoro since Zoro is around high high/inbetweener riight now, same for King.

Im pretty sure King will get a insane hype soon,
I expect Zoro to get a powerup, similar like Luffy get against Kaido.
If the leaks with the dude are true, chapter 1033 is about Zoro losing and beat down, sword getting broken.
nah mihawk was just a scarificial lamb for zoro final opponent, what you fanboys dont understand, the first time Mihawk trained zoro oda already change his route forever from a final opponent to a tragedy Jiraiya material. LOL
Very interesting.
So you think the act endings and new beginnings segways us into different arcs.

Idk about zoro going to impel down alone, but would be cool nonetheless.

but im firm on kuma being dead already
Yes indeed, i believe Act 1 = Introduction, Act 2 = Wano, Act 3 = Onigashima, Act 4 = Vegapunk Arc & Act 5 = Lodester
Yes Kuma is dead, they will fight him as a Mindless Cyborg & he will be ordered to send SHs to Impel Down but only succeeds in sending Zoro

There is also another reason why Zoro must go to Impel Down, cuz there is a Feat he must accomplish
Did you know that Post-TS Zoro mirrors Pre-TS Mihawk?

Mihawk appeared very little Pre-TS, but he showed a lot of memorable Feats, which are:

01. Destroying a Large Fleet who tried to run from him
02. Got introduced cutting a Large Ship in Half which he Targeted
03. Defended a Strong Attack with Small Knife
04. Overwhelmed East Blue Strongest Swordsman & called him Small Frog
05. Gave Zoro a Large Chest Scar who accepted his Defeat
06. Declared his Name & challenged Zoro to surpass him
07. Met with Shanks & delivered him News about Luffy
08. Sent a Huge Flying Slash against a Yonko
09. Cut a Huge Iceberg in Half from afar
10. Clashed with Vista (Strongest Swordsman of a Yonko Crew)

Zoro has been doing the same Feats but in reverse:

01. Got introduced cutting a Large Ship in Half which he slept on by mistake
02. Performed a Strong Attack with Small Knife (Start of Wano Arc)
03. Overwhelmed Strongest Swordsman in Fishmen Island & called him Small Frog
04. Gave Hody a Large Chest Scar who refused to accept his Defeat
05. Sent a Huge Flying Slash against a Yonko but missed (Roof Fight)
06. Cut a Huge Mountain (Pica) multiple times & from close

So now, we are left with Four Things that Zoro still got to do:

1. Destroying a Large Fleet
2. Meeting Shanks
3. Declaring his Name out loud
4. Clashing with Strongest Yonko Swordsman

However they will happen in Reverse, so:

Instead of Zoro challenging someone to surpass him, he will declare he became Strongest Swordsman (This Scene is for Ending)
Instead of him going to Shanks to deliver Luffy News, Shanks will arrive to him & deliver Luffy News (Which mirrors Impel Down where Blackbeard went there). Instead of Destroying a Large Fleet who escaped him, Zoro will instead Escape by destroying Large Fleet, which is reference to Impel Down Battleships, a Feat which Kaido has done before & when Zoro does it, it will be Reverse of Mihawk's Feat (Also WG Ships instead of Pirate Ships)

Zoro & Mihawk are Two Faces of Same Coin
And Zoro before he faces him in a Divine Duel, he will first Slay King of Beasts & Conquer Hell
Their Fight is Inevitable
nah mihawk was just a scarificial lamb for zoro final opponent, what you fanboys dont understand, the first time Mihawk trained zoro oda already change his route forever from a final opponent to a tragedy Jiraiya material. LOL
I mean he doesn´t even need to be Zoro endgame fight.
But overall and in general I see Mihawk powerlvl around high top tier.
Depends how he build up the compare to Shanks overall.
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