So King's race wasnt just related to his mystery hype, its also part of the reason why he's so powerful as well
Is this supposed to be some attempt at damage control?
I have been advocating that Enma has a part of Oden whether haki soul whatever, that Kaido/BM knew something was up with that sword, it is special, and you Zoro legion somehow take that as a goddamn insult to your boy just like Sanji fans being carried by a raid suit and his genetics. It is pathetic how yall think Zoro being handed powerups is unacceptable unless it is something that must have his dna or spirit embeded in it.
Zoro with Enma > Zoro with Shisui. That is a fact and whether you like it or not does not change
Is this supposed to be some attempt at damage control?

Zoro with Enma > Zoro with Shisui. That is a fact and whether you like it or not does not change