Yeah, Queen is getting killed by an move that Zoro used after being ignored by Kaido the whole fight, the same Queen that light a cigar after Marco's 2 named attacks
And im the delusional

Marco's attacks had much more impact on King than anything Zoro has shown, even ShiShi Son
Zoro didnt need 2 Younkous to nothing, he was sacrificing himself and got wrecked in 1 second trying to hold the attack, getting saved by Law, his attacks in the rooftop were matched by the likes of Kawamatsy in an even more impressive way, not including Asura.
You guys acting like Zoro no sold Hakkai is the funniest thing ever
Brachio Snake is supposed to destroy all bones and organs from CoA Masters, this is leagues above the injuries Zoro got 1 second holding Hakkai.