What is King’s real name?

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Talent is something you make bloom.
Honestly would really love to see how the other all stars and tobiroppo joined kaidos crew. They all seem really interesting even tho oda did a pretty ass job off really showing that off at all during most there fights 🗿
We know he raised ulti and page one as basically a favor to someone he knew in the past. Honestly anytime a pirate adopts a kid its pretty cute like with zeff, doffy, moria, and probably someone else im missing

Kaido seems to highly respect all his top guys so any past interactions would be cool
Don't you like Gifter panels?
My forest strenght with your training strenght combinef lets take on the forum. I was in oretty bad fights myself have knukles demaged permamently , shoulder cracked , nose cracked . Only ever lost a fight once at my sisters wedding, when I was in drunk coma. Beated them all one by obe afterwards... good times, havent been in a fight for 5 years now... living in forest is peace , nobody pisses you off... and if you are pissed you can catch a deer and cut its throut with bare hands... good times
Cool I wish I can come your forest so I can listen your knowledge and apply to future.
Quick question do you eat raw deer meat or you have to cook it? If cooking answer, how you make fire in your forest ? Did you use fire lighters or rub the wooden stick ?
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You can't win
On a side note, Zoro didn't get his black blade development yet(with Enma), so either King will somehow get up(unlikely especially with the way Queen's battle ended), or it's something Oda is reserving this for later

On the other hand, there is the hakai double effect that should happen :zorothink:

There is also the nidai kitetsu, but i guess it's possible that it could simply be a replacement sword by the end of the arc, but then again if it's the case, then it makes you wonder what will happen for Zoro to replace his sword since he isn't really the type to abandon a sword just like that, especially after the flashback resolving around showing the deep relationship he has with all of them

Alternatively, the nidai kitetsu is just a troll move by Oda(unlikely lol)
True, but then Teach has that incompetent buffoon Burgess as his #1 ship captain instead of the giga chad Jailer Shiryu.

Let's see though, you think the choreography for this chapter will be on par with the other King vs Zoro chapters? Or Loda trolling OPlers again? Also how do you feel about King now, you're one of his oldest fans Topi-senpai.
I think the choreography will be good, at least alright. But the pacing is trash already. And King ended up not showing CoC nor awakening DF, something that the likes of Doffy had them both..

I'm disappointed too. If I recall correctly, Cinera said if King is really defeated next chapter, he will take another long OP break. I think I'm going with him this time..
Yeah, this is why I hope OP sales tank now. All the stuff we want to see is either rushed or off paneled completely (the next big one is gonna be Shanks, why do you think he's getting a movie?...) but trash like the Tontatta, Tama etc. never has problem soaking up panel time. Ok then. Next week once King is confirmed to be out for good I'll ask for my account to be deleted, at least I'll spend my time in a more productive way.
Zoro is just too potent man.
Seriously though, if you are unironicaly that pissed about a manga, i would indeed sugest you took a break from it.
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