Old dogs can learn new tricks

, dogtooth with AdCoc is a gigantic threat, if it were to happen anyways, if somebody like smell-a-toe can get it, so can he, but since Oda is such a massive pseudo idiot, he won't get it, because only a "handful of the strongest" can get it, watch everybody and their mother get it before EOS, katakuri is not a joke, he still outpaced snakeman luffy in half the instances, I doubt king would be able to predict snakeman, especially if luffy figured out his gimmick, king's fast though, I'll give him that, but snakeman looks to me to be faster, and katakuri (fooolishly, but honourably) handicapped himself to make the right fair and still kept up with and overpowered snakeman, these two mfs went at it for 12 hours, and like 10 of it was in katakuri's favour, easily, katakuri still wasn't out conpletely even after king cobra, give katakuri ryou and tell me if he doesn't sound like a threat, give him AdCoc and tell me he isn't going to be a problem, katakuri is like a solid 90 in WCI, king and marco is close but king seems stronger, king:95 marco:93, they're not far apart, katakuri isn't weak, he just isn't getting the opportunity because he isn't realistically relevant anymore, if he was still important to the plot he would've mastered ryou and learn AdCoc fairly easy, he's a haki specialist, he's nearly a master of all three types, so idk how people see him as weak, and people talk about him being disloyal...who tf would be loyal to big meme? Even her firstborn has doubts about her, would you stay loyal to a walking L like big meme after seeing how much potential luffy has after fighting you? No you wouldn't, you wouldn't stay loyal to someone who abuses her own kids and discriminates them and cherry picks who is her "favorites", she thinks of them as tools, who tf wants to stay shacked up with that?, No one, at least kaido seems to care about his top men, even if just by necessity, WCI katakuri would stalemate marco and would lose to king mid-high diff, katakuri with ryou would best marco and high-extreme diff king, the old dog isn't a joke, sincerely, a random dude who wrote all this for no reason, because nobody would agree anyways.