What is King’s real name?

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I feel like Oda would want Zoro to have a grand finale to finish off the war because he's going to be out for the next arc via side effects of the medicine
Killing a weakened kaido who has probably lost his will is no way a grand finale in exchange of leaving him out of the next arc that’ll probably span for about an year atleast.
Oda won’t risk his sales like that, We cannot absolutely have One Piece without Zoro for another year.
It’s almost at the climax no way bro, you’re only clutching at loose straws
ZKK is sort of in limbo. There's too much build up prior to this chapter for Kaido to leave this arc alive and Zoro is the perfect man for the job. But Oda's choice of panel spread really does hurt it a little.

I'm still on board, mostly because I think ZKK is a fitting end for Kaido and the only one that keeps Kaido out of the story in the future. We don't need Kaido coming back and being a second string threat end of series. It's better to go out on a high note in his own arc and in arguably the most memorable moment in the manga after Ace's death.
If Zkk happens it will be public execution in front of wano people .

Oda will likely go similar route similar to oden if it happens. Then i wont mind .


Bald Spoiler Provider
Zoro's attack is so powerful, that he cuts King's sword in two parts and slices King's right wing in half.



Got anymore random nonsense you want to waste time with? Those 2 panels are different.
I dont know what the fuck you are on about .
you stated enma held back his haki on the roof and thats just not how the sword works. zoro regulates his haki.
:milaugh:i posted how much hes grown from the rooftop and am yet to understand why you quoted me or what point you are trying to make.
100%, mate.

It will be a combo between Ryuma and Luffy's first meeting with Zoro:

1. Kidd and Law KOs Linlin
2. Luffy KOs Kaido
3. With both of them failing, CP0 and BMP storm the capital
4. Alliance vs BMP vs CP0 happen
5. Kaido wakes up, shows his awakening and wrecks the capital. He overpowers Momoron and tries to lift Onigashima to the earth's orbit.
6. Luffy tries to stop him, but BM shows her awakening and gets in Luffy's way. She threatens Luffy by holding Tama hostage.
7. We see that BM and Kaido agree, since they fail, they might as well destroy the whole world entirely.
8. CP0 and BMP take a hike.
9. The alliance regroup and plans to stop three things: Big Mom, Onigashima, and Kaido.
10. Long story short, Law, Kidd, and Killer lead the alliance to stop onigashima falling.
11. Evoking Helmeppo, Coby, and Morgan, Linlin will hurry Kaido to drop Onigashima.
12. Zoro is sent flying to the skies.
13. The alliance stops Onigashima somehow.
14. Luffy channels G4 and blitzes Big Mom with Adv. CoC King Kong Bazooka to yeet her off Wano, saving Tama and fulfilling his promise to kick Linlin's ass.
15. Witnessed by everybody, Zoro kills Kaido above the capital with Asura (9 shadows) as the dawn finally breaks on Wano.
16. Everybody goes home happy.


Imagine actually believing this nonsense
Dude, you should be worried with the loser Aokiji.
Dude became Blackbeard's new bitch, yet in YC1 colorspread, Oda still chose Shiliew over the former AdmiraL.
Correction: kuzan is ally to Blackbeard pirate for unknown reason. Even Jesus burgress don‘t trust him. Blackbeard use shyrui logic :goyea: Kuzan literally do whatever he wanted as he like. Blackbeard does nothing on whole Kuzan thing.

You know this better mr. Yonko evolutionist, :endthis:
Now give me some Zoro and Yamato interactions
I also want a panel where Zoro, Killer and King drink some beer together.
My dream would be if King joins Law and sails with the SH together to Laugh Tale. He’s the last Lunarian, he needs to be a relevant character. King searched for someone who can change the world and probably destroy the WG. Maybe he wanted revenge and thought that Kaido was strong enough to do it
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