It's no "joke SBS". It was a power level statement which Oda used to establish Kaido as the strongest. And no, it doesn't mean that Big Mom, as a mother, is stronger than Kaido. If you are intellectually honest, you understand that. The fan asked, whether his angry mother is stronger than Akainu and Oda, in that power level statement, discarded Akainu and decided to use Kaido when talking about the "strongest".
Several people called Kaido the strongest. Even a chapter was called "island of the strongest". It's nonsensical to call it rumor. The One Piece world is better at power scaling than us. Even the Marines themselves said, Kaido achieved what he did with strength alone.
Several people called Kaido the strongest. Even a chapter was called "island of the strongest". It's nonsensical to call it rumor. The One Piece world is better at power scaling than us. Even the Marines themselves said, Kaido achieved what he did with strength alone.